
This Week in Orange Politics: October 5-11

The Carrboro Board of Alderpersons and the Board of County Commissioners will meet this week. Chapel Hill, Hillsborough, and the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board of Education, however, do not meet. The Orange County Board of Education will be holding it's board retreat on Tuesday. A number of forums or candidate meet & greets are scheduled this week as well, including our Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board forum on Sunday. Join us.



What We're Reading: October 2

Here are few things we've been reading this week.

Forum Open Thread: Hillsborough Town Board

Welcome to the open thread for the Hillsborough Town Board candidate forum happening on September 27, 2015. Comments on this post will open at that time.

There are five candidates running for three seats:

  • Mark Bell
  • Ashley DeSena
  • Evelyn Lloyd
  • Brian Lowen
  • Cindy Talisman

You can observe the forum at

We hope you'll use this open thread to post your thoughts and reactions. Also, if you want to propose additional discussion topics, you can reach the editors during the forum via TwitterFacebook, or the contact page. The forum moderator will have final say in question selection.

Chapel Hill Population

The PPP survey asked folks what the ideal population would be in 25 years. According to the town and US census data it is projected to be about 83,000. Zero percent picked that range (81 to 90,000) and only 5% picked a higer population level. "Chapel Hill’s current population is about 60,000. 30,000 to 40,000 5% ............................................. 41,000 to 50,000 12% ............................................. 51,000 to 60,000 22% ............................................. 61,000 to 70,000 28% ............................................. 71,000 to 80,000 13% ............................................. 81,000 to 90,000 0% ............................................. 91,000 to 100,000 5% ........................................... More than 100,000 0% .......................................... Not sure 15% " I guess we (if I last 35 more years) will be living in less than ideal conditions.

Early voting 2015 and 2016 - there will be more sites

This fall there are four early voting sites with a total of 236 site hours, see County board of elections have pretty complete discretion on municipal early voting subject to the $$$ the towns appropriate to pay for it.

The 2013 legislation that cut early voting from 17 to 10 days requires preservation of the same number of site hours that were in the 2010 and 2012 primaries and elections as a floor. The statutory floors for 2016 are:
March presidential primary 426 hours
May primary if it is not moved to March 226 hours (roughly same schedule as 2015 municipal)
November General election 528 hours

This means that for the March presidential primary there may need to be 7 sites instead of the 4 this fall and even at 7 there may need to be more hours per day, more hours on Saturdays, and perhaps even a Sunday

For the 2016 general election it will likely be 9 sites to handle the 528 hours over 10 days



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