
Greenways for the 21st Century

This commentary, written my fellow OP editor Travis Crayton and myself, originally appeared in the Chapel Hill News on September 6, 2015.

Work on phase three of the Bolin Creek greenway began earlier this summer – and that’s great news for Chapel Hill residents. Phase three of the greenway is the first step in connecting where the current greenway ends at Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd below the police station to Tanyard Branch trail, the Northside neighborhood, and downtown Chapel Hill via Umstead Drive. The greenway extension will also serve as a vital link to the future trail systems planned by Carrboro and Orange County.

Selma to DC March

Yesterday I was in Raleigh and joined the Selma to DC Journey for Justice March sponsored by the NAACP. Lots of supporters were there from religious groups, unions and environmental groups. (Sierra Club turned out a number of members.)  Candidates and elected officials from Chapel Hill and Carrboro were there too. I talked with the reporter from Univision. She has moved to Raleigh from Florida as did the new Sierra Club organizer. The N and O has some nice photos. The rally ended with everyone holding "Support Voting Rights Advancement Act" signs. ( An attempt to fix the changes the Supreme Court made to the Voting Rights Act.)

What We're Reading: September 4

Here are a few things we're reading this week.

Equality NC Action Fund Endorses in Chapel Hill Races

For the first time, Equality NC Action Fund has issued endorsements in key municipal races throughout North Carolina, including Chapel Hill.

Why We Endorsed for Hillsborough Town Board

Last night the Orange County Democratic Party’s Executive Committee voted unanimously to endorse Evelyn Lloyd, Brian Lowen, and Mark Bell for the Hillsborough Town Board at the Party’s monthly executive committee meeting.

An ad hoc committee was appointed following a motion at the September session of the County Executive Committee. County Commissioner Renee Price chaired the committee, which unanimously recommended endorsing the three Democrats running for Hillsborough’s Town Board. Tonight’s action officially endorsed these three Democrats vying for the three seats up on the Hillsborough Town Board in this year’s elections.

Endorsing in nonpartisan elections is a rare event. Between these three candidates they have decades of service to the Town of Hillsborough and our greater Orange County community. Whether it has been as part of the current membership of the Town Board, service on town advisory boards, or in the community, these candidates exemplify the character and values that make Hillsborough and Orange County great.



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