
Preserving History at Hillsborough’s Colonial Inn?

Frances Henry wasn’t really welcomed to Hillsborough with open arms when his upset bid topped other contenders in the foreclosure auction of the Colonial Inn back in 2001. Around the same time he had acquired Chapel Hills’s Rathskeller, or “The Rat” as we all knew it, as well as the Martin-Dey House next to UNC’s Delta Upsilon fraternity, of which he was a member in his university days. The Rat continued its downward spiral and the Martin-Dey house was a subject of much press because Henry intended to tear it down, while preservationists wanted to, well, preserve it. Mr Henry’s name in Chapel Hill circles was becoming questionable. I guess the Old Guard in Hillsborough was worried about what this interloper might do to the historic Colonial Inn in their fair town. Egads – maybe he simply enjoys destroying history!

CHCCS BOE Candidate

I am running for Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools Board of Education because I have been a longtime advocate both for quality education, and for children and families.  As a parent, and as a professional who deals with educational issues on a day to day basis, I believe that I can bring the necessary perspective to work on the Board of Education and partner with students, families, teachers, administration and the community. 

We face serious financial challenges, but we cannot let this undermine the quality of the schooling we offer.  We must continue to support and grow an excellent education system with the highest expectations for all students in Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools.  We are a diverse community and I will be a champion for a school system that reflects that diversity and provides an education that allows all our children to realize their full potential. The three Rs I am most interested in are respect, resources and results.

What We're Reading: July 31

Here's some of what we're reading this week:

Emerald Ash Borer killing trees in Orange County

The NC Forest Service has just shared that Wake, Orange and Durham counties are joining the quarantine area for emerald ash borer. This has wiped out millions of trees in Ohio and Michigan. Locally I have noticed that with new road construction often shade trees are not replaced. This needs to change. The easiest way for the ash borer to spread is to move firewood from one county to another. This also needs to change. See for more info:
Addition information about the emerald ash borer and the quarantine can be found at these websites.

Why I'm Running for Town Council

Chapel Hill is a very special place and my wife and I consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to be living here.  And while there are many things that I hope to accomplish if I am fortunate enough to be elected, there is one overarching reason why I have chosen to run: I want our Town to be as special for the next generation of Chapel Hillians – folks like my daughter Stephanie and her husband Samuel – as it is for those of us who live here today.

Chapel Hill should be a vibrant, diverse and affordable town. In order to make sure that this is our present and our future, if elected I intend to devote my energies to:

  • Creating more and better jobs, especially for our younger residents
  • Growing and diversifying our supply of housing so that it is affordable to a broad range of income groups
  • Strengthening Chapel Hill Transit and creating new and expanding existing connections with Durham, RDU, RTP, and Raleigh

I am convinced that working with the residents of our Town, the other members of the Council, and our Mayor we can accomplish great things so that the Chapel Hill of tomorrow is even better than it is today.



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