
Resource Conservation District

Folks may be interested in learning about requests for variance of Resource Conservation District

AGENDA Chapel Hill Board of Adjustment
6:30 p.m., July 1, 2015
Chapel Hill Town Hall
Council Chamber
415 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

 Continuation: 155 Dixie Dr: Resource Conservation District Variance
 205 Laurel Hill Road: Dimensional, Resource Conservation District, and Jordan Riparian Buffer Variances
 808 Tinkerbell Road: Floodplain and Resource Conservation District Variances

Matt Sullivan to continue as interim CHFD

Matt Sullivan will remain CHFD interim chief for next 18-24 Months until position is filled. Gary Kahn

This Week in Orange Politics: June 22-28

With most of the county's budgets adopted things have started to slow down for the summmer, but there are still several public meetings of note acrosss the area this week. The Carrboro Alderfolks will talk police body camera policy and get an update on the Arts and Innovation Center, while the Chapel Hill Town Council will continue a public hearing on the potential 2015 bond. The Hillsborought Town Board will discuss a study on the attractiveness of the town, whil the county commissioners will review the county manager's performance.

Both of the county's school boards are on break this week.

Here's the full rundown:


Are We Designing for 2017 or 2070?

In a cross-post from today's Chapel Hill News, Travis and I ask: Are we designing for 2017 or 2070? Read the text below and tell us what you think.

The reality we live in presents numerous challenges and long-term threats. Scientists have been documenting these trends for decades. We know, for example, that climate change is a pressing problem that requires action today (yesterday, really) to mitigate existing damage and prevent further environmental degradation. We also know that rates of obesity in the United States, and in other nations, has risen rapidly, leading to a decline in life expectancy for the first time in modern history.

These two examples highlight the importance of modifying patterns and behaviors today to shape a better future. Local action can be important in setting a positive path forward, especially when state and federal action is insufficient. How can local action help address these major issues? For one thing, we can change how we develop our community.

What We're Reading: June 19

Happy Friday! Here are a few articles that piqued our interest this week:



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