
Maintain and Expand Access to Early Voting in Orange County

I've been a strong advocate for early voting locations and hours in Orange County that provide adequate access for all Orange County residents in my time as a student and council member in Chapel Hill. I'm sharing below my open letter to the Board of Elections as they make decisions this week about early voting locations for this fall. Interested in making your voice heard about early voting? They'll be meeting tomorrow (July 21st) at the Board of Elections in Hillsborough at noon to determine early voting hours and locations for this fall. 

Dear Orange County Board of Elections,


As you consider potential early voting locations and hours for the 2015 election, I wanted to offer some thoughts and recommendations. As always, thank you for your thoughtful approach to and deliberative process in setting an early voting calendar.


What We're Reading: July 17

Happy Friday! We hope to see you tonight at 5:30pm at DSI Comedy for our Candidate Coming Out Party. Before you join us then, here are some things we found interesting on the web this week:

Jim Ward files for reelection to Town Council

I was at the Board of Election to file my mid term report. (I decided to forgive the last $800 of my personal loan to my 2013 campaign since I have decided not to run this year for Town Council.) I said hi to Jim Ward who was also at the Board of Election completing his paper work for his run for reelection for Chapel Hill Town Council.

Share Your Bike/Ped Concerns on Chapel Hill's New WikiMap

In case you haven't seen it yet, Chapel Hill has launched a new mapping tool to report bike and pedestrian issues across town. So far, there are plenty of issues that users have already reported, including unsafe biking conditions on Estes Dr Ext and MLK Blvd, inadequate pedestrian crossing lights on East Franklin St, and a laundry list of concerns around UNC's campus.

I'm glad to see the town proactively gathering this information, especially with the 2015 bond referendum including $16.2 million for streets and sidewalks, including bicycle and pedestrian safety. I hope the data they collect here will directly inform the priorities that can be funded if the bond passes.

Have you used this tool yet? What are your biggest bike/ped concerns around town, and what would you like to see done about them?

What We're Reading: July 10

Happy Friday! Here are a few articles from the OP Editors that we found interesting this week:



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