
Announcing the 2015 OP Candidate Forums

The editors of OrangePolitics are excited to announce our live online candidate forums for the upcoming elections for the Hillsborough Town Board, the mayor of Chapel Hill, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education and the Chapel Hill Town Council

This Week in Orange Politics: August 30-September 6

Some of the elected bodies are still on summer hiatus, but the Carrboro Board of Alderpersons, the Orange County Board of Commissioners, and the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board are back this week. 

What We're Reading: August 28

Here are few things we've been reading this week.


Please see for details.Gary Kahn

Dorm Closures and the Chapel Hill Housing Market

I was surprised to read this headline in the Daily Tar Heel today: "University closed Stacy and Everett due to low housing enrollment." But maybe I shouldn't have been.

Stacy and Everett residence halls combined house 189 students, but this year, only 135 signed up to live there. The two dorms will be repurposed for the 2015-16 school year.

Rick Bradley, associate director of housing and residential education, cited the expansion of new apartment communities and a lack of desirable amenities in student housing for the loss in enrollment.

“It’s not uncommon for a 9,000-bed operation like us to have 200 or so vacancies. That became our standard: 98 percent occupancy. In fall 2014, that 300 became 500, so the concern rose,” Bradley said.

“When that 500 empty spaces last fall now looks like it’ll be 800 this fall, we are opening at about a little over 90 percent occupancy. Our awareness has now been heightened.”



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