
Corporations Do Have Rights

I’m not turning into Karl Rove. Honest. But I do not understand why progressive writers I otherwise deeply respect, like #BobGeary of #TheIndependent (‘Supreme Court rulings reinforce workplace discrimination'), have such an obsession against corporate America.

To be honest, I sense it has nothing to do with constitution, law or rights, and an awful lot to do with the fact that these folks do not like Republicans. And most large corporations are run by Republicans.

Look. I don’t much care for Republicans, either. But that does not mean that they do not have rights. And it does not mean that corporations do not have rights, too.


office hours with Gary Kahn are  Mon -Fri 2-5 pm at Tabbacco Road Chapel Hill. in the Bar Area. to discuss campaign issues anyone might have. Thanks. Gary Kahn.P.s. Now through election day.


As The Runoff Election Approaches, A Look Back At Our Sheriff's Forum

Early voting for the Orange County Sheriff’s Run-off between David Caldwell and Charles Blackwood kicks off this Thursday. Below are excerpted answers from Blackwood and Caldwell from the OrangePolitics’ Sheriff’s Forum.

School Board Cutting Custodian Salaries to Reduce Budget?

During budget discussions last night, some members of the Chapel Hill Carrboro School Board indicated that they would support a strategy to cut their budget that would affect some of our lowest income workers. A proposal was made to move 15 custodians from being school district employees making $11/hour to contractors making only $9.60/hour. This would save $30,000, but is it really the way we want to save money? Not me.

The School Board may vote on this budget cut on July 17th, depending on when the North Carolina General Assembly passes the state budget and what it includes.

This Week in Orange Politics: June 30-July 6

Though most of Orange County's public bodies have no meetings this week, the Chapel Hill Town Council will meet to decide who should purchase the Old Library property and the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board will hold a work session on its 204-2015 budget.

Here’s the full summary:


  • The Carrboro Board is in summer recess.


Special Meeting: Wednesday, July 2nd, 5:30pm, Chapel Hill Public Library (Meeting Room C)

  • At this special final meeting before the summer recess, the Council will vote on their preference for who should purchase the Old Library Property at 523 E Franklin St.




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