
This Week in Orange Politics: June 23-29

The county commissioners and both boards of education are off this week, all three municipal boards will be meeting. The Carrboro alderfolks will discuss changes to the Land Use Ordinance related to drive-thurs and affordable housing, while the Chapel Hill Town Council will take on the Glen Lennox redevelopment plan and appointments to the town boards and the Hillsborough Town Board will consider issues related to a few specific properities.

Here’s the full summary:


Regular Meeting: Tuesday, June 24th, 7:30pm, Carrboro Town Hall Board Room

  • See the full agenda here

Long lag time for BOCC meeting minutes

Last week I wanted to know what happened at a previous Orange County Commissioner meeting. When I went to the county web-site to read the minutes, the most recent minutes available were from almost two months ago.

I understand that county staff people may be over-burdened and that budgetary concerns have resulted in less staff than we used to have. However, it is essential for effective governance that citizens have timely access to the minutes of meetings.

So I decided to find out how we stacked up. In order of timeliness, here are the winners (municipalities selected more or less randomly).

If we truly believe that citizen involvement is a high priority, our county officials should demand that we have access to the minutes within two weeks of a meeting.

A side note – when I casually googled Forsyth County, I came up with Forsyth County, Georgia and their last available minutes are from 6/10/2014.

Occupy Chapel Hill GA - June 26

There will be a General Assembly of Occupy Chapel Hill, to be held on Thursday, June 26, beginning at 6.30pm, on the Peace and Justice Plaza, in front of the old Post Office, on Franklin Street. All are invited to attend.

This Week in Orange Politics: June 16-22

Transit will be a focus this week as Triangle Transit presents bus expansion concepts to the county commissioners Tuesday and hosts a transit update Thursday in Chapel Hill. Both the county commissioners and the Carrboro alderfolks will vote to approve their budgets for next, while the Chapel Hill Town Council will consider several small area plans and the sale of the old library property.

Here’s the full summary:


Regular Meeting: Tuesday, June 17th, 7:30pm, Carrboro Town Hall Board Room

  • See the full agenda here

  • Agenda items of note:

Recapping the County Commissioners' Budget Debate

Here's the Storify from the Orange County Board of Commissioners' budget debate.



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