
What do you love about Chapel Hill?

Did you know that visitor spending in Chapel Hill and Orange County accounts for over $160 million in economic impact ever year? Tourism is a clean business that creates jobs and tax revenue that helps keep our county the amazing place it is. I was appointed to represent the Town Council on the Chapel Hill/Orange County Visitor's Bureau at the start of this year, and am committed to increasing the economic impact from tourism over this year. 

To celebrate the great visitor and tourist attractions in Orange County, I'm headed on a stay-cation over Memorial Day weekend. I'll be packing my bag on Friday and won't return until Monday afternoon, but I'll never be more than 25 miles away from my home. I'm spending Friday night in Carrboro, will be visiting Hillsborough and Northern Orange on Saturday, and will be finishing up in the southern part of heaven on Sunday.

This Week in Orange Politics: May 12-18

This week will be a busy one, with each of Orange County’s public bodies holding at least one meeting. The budget will be on tap for both the Carrboro Alderfolks and the County Commissioners. The Commissioners will also consider recycling (again) and work on issues related to childhood poverty. Chapel Hill will resume deliberations on Ephesus-Fordham and potentially vote on the proposal. The Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board will get an update on it’s long range plan, while its Orange County counterpart will hear about a STEM initiative in the district. Hillsborough's Town Board will talk Summerfest.

Here’s the full summary:


Regular Meeting: Tuesday, May 13th at 7:30 pm at Carrboro Town Hall Board Room

2014 Primary Election Results Thread

Welcome to our 2014 Election Night Results Thread!

We're tracking the results as they come in. You can view Orange County results on the State Board of Elections website, or check out our charts below, which we will be updating as results come in.

It's Tuesday. VOTE!

Went to our precinct today -- haven't been there in quite some time, as we've so often opted for early voting. Wow. What a lonely exercise. It worries me. We went  in ... no voters there. Ran into one person coming in as we left. If you have't voted yet -- there's still a few minutes left!  VOTE!!!

2014 Primary Election Day Open Thread

Happy Election Day! The polls are already open across the county.

If you're voting today or visiting any polling sites, what are you seeing? Big turnout, small turnout? Issues voting? Something else? Comment and share your observations right here in our open thread.

Also, join us tonight here and on Twitter where we'll be following the results as they come in starting at 7:30pm when the polls close. 



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