
Technology and Training: High Priorities

I firmly believe that having a sheriff’s office that is up to speed with standard training and technology is a huge priority.  This is because an office that has an under-trained staff under performs.  It also puts the lives of the deputies and the public at risk.  As it presently stands, the deputies at the Orange County Sheriff’s Office do not have adequate training.   There may be individuals who are more trained than others, but as a group they must have more and better training all-around.  I worked for the Orange County Sheriff’s Office and I now work for Carrboro Police Department, and let me say that the difference is night and day. 

Indy Week endorsements are out. In Orange: Jacobs, Marcoplos (BOCC), Chaney (CBOA), Caldwell (Sheriff), Chilton (Deeds)...

Supporting Teachers

Last evening my son and I attended a forum at Culbreth Middle School about teacher pay. There were a number of panels. First teachers spoke (including one of my son's teachers from Carrboro High School). They shared stories about how hard it was to make it on teacher pay especially since their salaries have been frozen at the same pay scale step since 2007. State statistics show that an unusually high number of teachers are leaving for other states or are quitting the profession. High school and middle school students talked about their teachers and how sad it was that many of their teachers have decided to leave.  Aaron Nelson spoke for the local business community. He mentioned the positive impact a good school system has on the economy and that they support paying more for education. Finally the local superintendent, 3 state reps and 1 state senator spoke about the budgets and politics. A pleasant surprise was that one rep was a Republican from Guilford/ Greensboro who supports increased pay for all teachers.

A Progressive & Balanced Budget Plan

When the INDY asked me what were my thoughts on the budget of the Sheriff’s office, this is how I responded:

That the sheriff’s department is not as efficient and up-to-date technologically as it could be is one place where efficiency is compromised and money is wasted.  After the various reforms I intend to make within the administration and upgrades to the technology, we should see less money spent on various (often duplicated) administrative tasks. 

Campus and Community Leaders to Vote Early at NC Hillel

Campus and community leaders will gather at North Carolina Hillel this Thursday, April 24th, at 3:30pm, to celebrate the first day of early voting in this year's May primary election. UNC Chancellor Carol Folt, NC Hillel Executive Director Ari Gauss, Chapel Hill Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt, and UNC Student Body President Andrew Powell will make brief remarks before casting their ballots.



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