
This Week in Orange Politics: May 5-11

While most of the county’s public bodies are taking a break for the primary elections this week, the Chapel Hill Town Council will take on Glen Lennox and meet with the county’s state legislative delegation, while the county commissioners will discuss curbside recycling and different options for expanded bus service.

Be sure and tune into our Twitter feed and homepage on election night for coverage of the results as they come in.

Here’s the full summary:


There is no meeting scheduled this week. The next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, May 13th.


Work Session: Monday, May 5th, 6pm, Chapel Hill Public Library, Meeting Room A

Primary Campaign Finance Reports Are In

The first quarter finance reports for the May primary election are in at the Board of Elections, and there are quite a few interesting things to take note of in these finance reports.

Here's the breakdown by each office:

This Week in Orange Politics: April 28-May 4

While the Carrboro Alderfolks take a break this week, the Chapel Hill Town Council will consider the proposed Timber Hollow expansion and open a public hearing on the town’s bike place. Tuesday evening, all three school boards will meet to discuss a potential bond issuance schedule and to review charter school enrollment and funding, after the County Commission meets with the Department of Social Services to get an overview of the county’s anti-poverty programs. In Hillsborough, the Town Board will work on priorities for the fiscal year 2015 budget.

Here’s the full summary: 


There is no meeting scheduled this week. The next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, May 13th.



Regular Meeting: Monday, April 28th, 7pm, Southern Human Services Center

Early Vote Stats May 6th 2014 Primary

Early vote stats Can  be viewed at                      Gary Kahn.

Forum Open Thread: Orange County Board of Commissioners

Welcome to the open thread for the Orange County Board of Commissioners candidate forum happening on April 27, 2014. Comments on this post will open at that time. This forum is for candidates running in the Democratic primaries for the County Commission.

There are three separate races for one seat each: 

District 1

  • Mia Burroughs

District 2

  • Mark Marcoplos
  • Earl McKee

At Large

  • Bonnie Hauser
  • Barry Jacobs

You can observe the forum at

We hope you'll use this open thread to post your thoughts and reactions. Also, if you want to propose additional discussion topics, you can reach the editors during the forum via Twitter, Facebook, or the contact page. The forum moderator will have final say in question selection.



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