
High School

This spring I have been going to  a lot of high school events. My son graduates from Carrboro High School and former students at Chapel Hill HS are graduating. Last weekend in Winson Salem the state Ultimate playoffs occurred. This is a sport which requires almost no equipment: a frisbee and a field. Teams are low key, they don't have practice everyday. Carolina Friends won first place. CHHS 2nd, Carrboro 3rd and ECHHS 4th in the state! I've been impressed by the high school plays and concerts this year. As funding for school declines students are concerned that their favorite courses will be cut. Historically our district has funded the cultural arts. I hope that even the "smaller" classes will be allowed to continue. Students at Carrboro were worried about losing some of the chorus classes.  Today Carrboro had their senior assembly. Students put in an impressive number of volunteer hours, earned many scholarships and spoke up for diversity and social justice. We have a lot of talent in our schools.


2nd primary sample ballots are out

2nd primary sample ballots are posted now

ORANGE-20140715-Style001-REP.pdf GOP 6th Congressional District (Cedar Grove, Tolars, Caldwell, Efland, Cameron Park, St. Mary's, Eno only)

ORANGE-20140715-Style002-DEM.pdf Democratic Sheriff countywide

This Week in Orange Politics: May 19-25

Budgets will be the primary topic covered this week by Orange County’s public bodies with the Carrboro Alderfolks, the Chapel Hill Town Council, Hillsborough Town Board and county commissioners all working on spending plans for the next fiscal years. Both school boards will take a break from meeting this week.

Here’s the full summary:


Regular Meeting: Tuesday, May 20th, 7:30pm, Carrboro Town Hall Board Room

  • See the full agenda here.

  • Agenda Items of Note:

The Most Bizarre Thing Said About Ephesus-Fordham

Unless you watched the Chapel Hill Town Council meeting on Ephesus-Fordham last Monday from start to finish, there’s a good chance you haven’t heard the most bizarre thing said at that meeting.

That comment came from Councilmember Ed Harrison during the discussion on whether or not to apply the freshly-approved form-based code elements of the Land Use Management Ordinance (LUMO) to the areas of the Ephesus-Fordham district.

As a recap, you may recall that the Council approved the form-based code addition to the LUMO by an 8-1 vote (Matt Czajkowski voted no), but only approved applying those LUMO additions to Ephesus-Fordham by a 6-3 vote (Ed Harrison and Jim Ward joined Czajkowski in voting no here).

Your Guide to the Ephesus-Fordham Renewal Plan

Last Monday, the Chapel Hill Town Council approved the Ephesus-Fordham renewal plan. Depending on what news sources and opinion columnists you read, you might have some understanding of what this plan actually is and does, or you might not. Since there has been so much spin around the plan, here's our guide to what the Ephesus-Fordham plan includes - and what the Council passed last Monday.



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