
This Week in Orange Politics: September 2-7

Though several of Orange County's public bodies are still in recess this week, the Carrboro Alderfolks, County Commission and Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board will all hold meetings this week. A new cultural arts distriction and an update on the towing ordinance are on the docket in Carrboro, while the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board will dsicuss a contract for re-envisioning the district's professional development and compensation policies. The county commissioners will award arts grants and consider a resolution supporting the community use of school recreation facilties.


Nov. Orange County Ballots

The sample Nov. Ballots are now available to  be seen at  Gary Kahn

Where Are The Six Armored Personnel Carriers?

Two weeks ago, we in Orange County, NC learned that six armored personnel carriers had been made available to law enforcement in our county. We are told, two weeks later, that elected officials within our county are still trying to track them down. Still trying. Two weeks later.

Let me deal with the immediate, and then I'll wax about conspiracy.

The immediate: I can forgive elected officials for not knowing where six armored personnel carriers might be. Maybe. Just. But, after two weeks, if you truly can not find them, and do not know what to say to your citizens about them, then you have no business serving.

Someone sold them. Someone bought them. Someone has a receipt. Some body of elected officials looked at some document saying, we want 'em, or we bought 'em.

And if not the latter, then who exactly is policing the police in our county, and cf. no business serving.

Unless, and here is where we get to conspiracy.

I remember back in 2011, when SWAT was deployed in Chapel Hill, to the anger, consternation, bemusement of the citizenry. As in, really, we have a team like that, why?



Internationalist Bookstore & Community is Moving To Carrboro!

Internationalist Books is moving and we need your help!

Internationalist Books and Community Center has been an invaluable part of our community since 1981. We are moving from our current location on Franklin St to Carrboro. Our new space will give us a better ability to host programs, projects and events, and make us better able to keep Internationalist strong and growing into the future. This move is a huge undertaking, and a huge leap of faith. We need our community’s support to make this move successful. Please donate whatever you can to pay for the costs of renovations, new bookshelves and furniture, and to help us weather the financial impact of a big move and establish ourselves firmly in our new home. We also want to invite our community to help with workdays in the new space, help us spread the word, and help us with a vision for our new space and the amazing ways our work can grow through this move.



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