
Chapel Hill May Delay Rogers Road Discussion, Again

The Chapel Hill Town Council was to continue its discussion this evening about how to fund the extension of sewer service to the Historic Rogers Road Neighborhood, in its first meeting of the 2014-2015 session. However, town staff is again recommending a continuation of the public hearing.


The Indy   canadate fourum is on Sept 29, 2014 at  7 00 @ Flyleaf Books 752 MLK Blvd.Chapel Hill. Gary Kahn

Chapel Hill Receives First Ephesus-Fordham Proposal

Rendering of the proposed Village Plaza Apartments

Yesterday, the Town of Chapel Hill received its first application for a development under the new form-based code rules it approved for the Ephesus-Fordham area earlier this year.

The proposal, called the Village Plaza Apartments, is a mixed-use development proposal for 266 apartments and 15,600 square feet of retail space. The development will be located on South Elliot Road between Whole Foods and the ABC Store in what is known to some as the old theater site. The application was submitted by Scott Murray Land Planning, Inc.

Vote by Mail starts Friday 9/5

Vote by mail starts Friday September 5 for the November 4 election. For the first time there is a form that you can print out, fill out and sign, then submit in one of 3 ways: US Mail, FAX, or scan and attach to an email. You don't have to wait til Friday to submit your request.  details:

What Can Be Learned on the Inter-City Visit to Athens

As you might know, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce organizes a trip every two years to a city similar to Chapel Hill – almost always a college town. The goals of these visits are to learn from the experiences of another community, better understand our community’s assets, and build relationships among participants that help us successfully address our local challenges and opportunities. This year's Inter-City Visit to Athens, Georgia, is coming up in just a few weeks (September 21-23).



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