
This Week in Orange Politics: October 6-12

It’s another busy week for Orange County’s elected boards. The Carrboro Alderfolks will consider joining the Bee City USA program and discuss locating agricutlural support uses in the Rural Buffer, while Chapel Hill devotes a day-long work session to the Obey Creek development. The County Commissioners will talk about upgrading 9-1-1 technology, while the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board will evaluate the superintendent. Both the Hillsborough and County School Boards are on break this week.

And, of course, don’t forget to join us for our quarterly happy hour Friday at TRU Deli +Wine.

Here’s the full summary:



Chapel Hill and Carrboro Citizens' Police Forums

This coming Saturday (October 4) and next Monday (October 6), Chapel Hill Police and Carrboro Police respectively, along with representatives from their funding agencies, will be holding Public Forums, at which citizens will be invited to offer thoughts on the way they wish to be policed. I will be unable to attend the Carrboro Forum as I will be working. But I have written a letter to the organizers, a letter which is (amazingly) quite self-explanatory:

"Dear Carrboro Alderpeople, Chief Horton and David Andrews [Carrboro Town Manager],

I understand there is to be a Public Forum on Policing in Carrboro, held on October 6, at 7.00pm. I will not be able to attend, as much as I have expressed interest in this subject.

I am a shift worker, and like most shift workers, I need at least three weeks notice to be able to accommodate events to my work schedule.

This Week in Orange Politics: September 29-October 5

The main event this week in Orange County will be a meeting between the County Commissioners and both local school boards. The three groups will debrief this year’s budgets and discuss a possible 2016 bond referendum among other things. While the Carrboro Alderfolks and the Hillsborough Town Board take a break this week, the Chapel Hill Town Council will consider Ephesus-Fordham, Obey Creek and the town’s Affordable Housing Fund.

Here’s the full summary:


  • There are no scheduled meetings this week. The board’s next meeting will take place Tuesday, October 7.


InterCity Visit 2014 in more than 140 characters

There's been quite a bit of great Tweeting about the InterCity Visit to Athens, GA. Still, there may be some of you out there who'd like to provide a little more context about what you have been learning. Please use this thread to do so. Travis and I will be posting some thoughts here as well.

Covering Board of Aldermen, Orange County at large -- Again!

It isn't "Throwback Thursday" yet it feels like old times. I'm covering the Board of Aldermen (after a more-than-a-decade pause) and Orange County/Northern Chatham at large once again. This time, for the Chapel Hill News | News & Observer. I won't be covering affordable housing for the time being as I continue as Chair of the Housing Authority Board of Commissioners until January, but of course I can pass those stories along and encourage good coverage (like any good reporter would).  This is freelance work, not full time, but I'm so glad to at least have my toes in the waters of local coverage once again.

First story should appear on Wednesday. If you have news about Carrboro or the County at large, please send it my way!

Email to or Tweet to @jeanbolduc




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