
This Week in Orange Politics: September 22-28

Because of this week’s InterCity Visit to Athens, Ga., there aren’t many meetings of Orange County’s elected boards. You can follow #ICV2014 on Twitter for updates from the trip, but if you are town the Orange County School Board will meet to review student achievement. OWASA will also hold its annual meeting.

Here’s the full summary:


  • There are no scheduled meetings this week. The board’s next meeting will take place Tuesday, October 7.


  • There are no scheduled meetings this week. The board’s next meeting will take place Monday, September 29.


  • There are no scheduled meetings this week. The board’s next meeting will take place Tuesday, September 30.


Why do we do Inter-City Visits?

After getting my haircut this week (at the same place since my junior year of college), I ran into Al Bowers of Al’s Burger Shack. I wished him a happy one-year-in-business birthday and he asked me what I was up to.  I told him we were about to take a hundred people to Athens, Georgia.  And he asked, why were we going to do that? Good question, Al. 

In 1985, a group of engaged community leaders called the Public Private Partnership (PPP), organized our community’s first Inter-City Visit to Lexington, Kentucky, spurred by a visit from leadership from the Bluegrass State the previous year. Since that first trip to Lexington, our community has traveled to eight other college communities, including Boulder, Princeton, Champaign-Urbana, Madison, and Ann Arbor.

This Week in Orange Politics: September 15-21

It’s a busy week this week across Orange County. The Carrboro Alderfolks will consider an interlocal agreement for work in the Rogers Road neighborhood, while the Chapel Hill Town Council will tackle several proposed developments. The Chapel Hill Carrboro School Board will receive a 2014 accountability report, while its Orange County counterpart takes a break. The County Commissioners will consider what to lobby the General Assembly and make appointments to several boards.

Here’s the full summary:


Training for advisory board members

This morning I attending a training session for members of town boards. (I was appointed to the Board of Adjustment last summer.) About 40 people were there. I thought it was a good session. We were reminded that local governments are limited by the state legislature; the rules about open meeting and public access to information; the new flow for development projects and the general purpose of the boards. Just a bit of trivia of about the attendees: most were white, I don't think any Asian-Americans or Latinos attended with perhaps three African Americans participating; about 10 had gray hair (only my beard is graying so I didn't count myself); even male: female ratio and about 1/3 wear glasses.

This Week in Orange Politics: September 8-14

This week, the Chapel Hill Town Council returns to their newly renovated Council Chambers, the Carrboro Board of Aldermen addresses livestock within town limits, the Hillsborough Town Board talks about the militarization of police, and more. Here’s the full summary:


  • Regular Meeting: Tuesday, September 9th, 7:30pm at Carrboro Town Hall
    • See full agenda here.
    • Notable agenda items include:
      • A discussion of options for use of the office space above Acme Restaurant (to be vacated by Fleet Feet)
      • Continuation of the discussion of an amendment to the Joint Planning Agreement on other agricultural uses within the rural buffer.
      • A discussion of proposed changes to the keeping of livestock (chickens) within town limits.




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