
Obey Creek Negotiations to Formally Begin

At a special meeting on Monday, the Chapel Hill Town Council decided to formally move into the negotiaton phase in the development agreement process for Obey Creek, a proposed mixed-use development across from Southern Village on 15-501.

Developer East West Partners presented a revised proposal to Council Monday. While the overall size and mix of the project has not changed, the layout and some design elements have changed. The proposal, as it currently stands, will develop 35 acres and preserve 85 in perpetuity. All buildings will be LEED certified.

The mix of uses is proposed to include 400,000 square feet of retail space, 250,000 square feet of officespace, and 600-700 residential units, including a senior housing component. All parking on the site would be structured except for street parking along streets within the development.

East West Partners also provided a model of the current proposal to help councilmembers and members of the public better understand the scale of development (see photo).

Election Day Open Thread

Happy Election Day! Polls are open from now until 7:30pm. If you're out voting today, what are you seeing at your polling place? If you're working a polling site, how's turnout looking where you are?

Spanish radio election ads

Tonight I was listening to FM101.1 La Ley and heard two senate ads in Spanish back to back. The first was by Ben Carson PAC. The theme was that Hagan sends her kids to private school but opposes vouchers while Tillis gave vouchers to thousands of kids (hispanos). The second ad was by People for the American Way. The theme was that Tillis cut millions from education and health but gave rich Carolinians lots of tax breaks. VOTE! (This is my second attempt to post this, the first one didn't show up.)

This Week in Orange Politics: November 3-9

Tuesday is Election Day. Don’t forget to go vote if you haven’t taken advantage of early voting during the past couple weeks. You can find your polling place on the state Board of Elections website.

Partially because of the elections, the Hillsborough Town Board, Carrboro Alderfolks and county School Board will all be on break this week. The Chapel Hill Town Council will be on Obey Creek and hold a work session on a yet-to-be announced topic. The Chapel-Hill Carrboro School Board will also consider the superintendent’s review state school boards association agenda and the county commissioners will get some preliminary information on financing major projects and equipment purchases.

Here’s the full summary:


  • There is no meeting this week.


Orange County Launches Family Success Alliance

Recently, the Orange County Health Department launched plans for the Family Success Alliance, modeled after the success of the Harlem Children’s Zone

With its inception as the Rheedlen Centers for Children and Families in 1970, the Harlem Children’s Zone aims to disrupt generational poverty with a holistic, long-term approach providing education and support from early childhood through college, supportive services to families to prevent homelessness, and health services including obesity prevention.  Serving over 13,000 children and 13,000 adults in 97 blocks of Central Harlem, the engaged children (70% in the served blocks) have a 92% college acceptance rate, 100% of pre-K participants are assessed as school ready, and the 800 local employees fuel economic growth.  The Harlem Children’s Zone also serves as the Model for President Obama’s Promise Neighborhood Initiative that has awarded 58 grants to communities across the country to implement similar programs. 



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