Campaigning in Chapel Hill

Hi Orange Politics Friends. Today I start blogging about my campaign. Just the everyday stuff. Please feel free to ask me questions so this can also be a conversation.  

Today I spent the day addressing envelopes and writing notes to people to ask for their support in my bid for Town Council.

 It is a strange feeling to ask for money for something other than earthquake victims, scholarships, or all the other worthy causes I have been fundraising for in the last 18 years. This time I am asking for money I will spend (hopefully) on signs, brochures and stickers and maybe even some t-shirts to wear to the polls. 

 I thought I would feel guilty, but I don't. I realize that folks around here know my politics, and those who share my concern for the future of out town--the need to keep it beautiful yet affordable, to do better by pedestrians and bikers, to have better collaboration among agencies, to bring innovation and suitable development--will get their money's worth if I am elected. 

community meetings

hi all, just to let  everyone know I ve  been attending the west central focus group, obey creek  community  group and the upcoming esephus  church group during  these past months and plan to attend more during this election season and many more if possible if I can. thank you. gary kahn

Friends of Downtown Chapel Hill Candidate Forum

Chapel HIll Mayor and Council candidates will be asked questions prepared by Board members of the Friends of Downtown at this event. Candidates who have not run for office before will go first, followed by the incumbent candidates, and then Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt (running unopposed). Before answering their first question, each candidate will have two minutes to introduce themselves to the audience. After each question, the moderator will ask someone from the audience for one follow-up question on the topic. If time permits, he will ask a second audience question of each candidate.

Coffee will be available at 9:30am prior to the start of the forum.


Thursday, August 29, 2013 - 10:00am


Franklin Hotel, Second Floor, 311 West Franklin Street, Chapel Hill

Carol Woods forum for CHCCS School Board candidates


Tuesday, October 15, 2013 - 3:00pm

League of Women Voters forum for CHCCS School Board candidates


Wednesday, September 25, 2013 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm


Carrboro Town Hall



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