
News and opinions related to local elections.

Orange Co. Democratic Women host municipal election forum

The Orange County Democratic Women hosted their municipal election forum last night. All Democratic candidates for Carrboro Board of Aldermen, Chapel Hill Town Council, and Hillsborough Town Board were invited. The moderators of the event announced that Amy Ryan and Sally Greene had conflicts and could not attend, while Paul Neebe did not notify OCDW as to why he did not attend.

Molly and I attended and did our best to provide some livetweets of the event, though that proved difficult at some points, as the forum turned into more of a discussion about halfway through. At that point, candidates and audience members divided up into specific municipalities for municipality-specific questions and answers. I was personally a little frustrated by the format, as I felt that it didn't allow for much discussion of specific issues confronting the towns and our county at large.

If you were unable to attend, you can review our tweets from the event below.


Hi all, Even though I Was not invited to the forum, I attended the Central West Focus Committee Meeting. Gary Kahn

Political Signs

Hi all, Just noticed that Maria  Palmer and George C have  put out their political signs, As one person said at a Town Council  meeting ,a couple of years ago ,which I attended , WHAT AN EYESORE| I agree I pledge to you NO POLITICAL  SIGNS FOR ME, IM A  BUMPER STICKER TYPE OF GUY. Gary Kahn

Submit Your Questions for Our 2013 Candidate Forums

We're just one week away from our first candidate forum. This Sunday, UNC law professor Barbara Fedders, a specialist in juvenile delinquency and criminal law and an advocate for school discipline reform, will moderate a live online candidate forum for the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board of Education.

Chapel Hill Ballot

Hi all, Just  a note the  November sample ballot for Chapel Hill  can now be viewed  at  N.C. Board of elections. org.  gary kahn



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