
News and opinions related to local elections.

Senatorial District 23 Committee Informational Meeting

The NC Senatorial District 23 Democratic Party Executive Committee will convene an informational meeting for candidates interested in seeking the appointment to replace Former Senator Ellie Kinnaird at this meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to explain the process, hear brief statements from declared candidates, allow Executive Committee members to ask questions of the candidates, and to allow for public comments. The meeting is unofficial and optional and open to the public.

You can read more about the candidates interested in replacing Former Senator Kinnaird here.

There are four members on this committee, two from Orange County, who control 446 votes, and two from Chatham County, who control 212 votes. The members of the committee are as follows:

  • Wanda Hunter, Orange County, whunter1@nc.rr.com, 919-929-9655
  • Samantha Cabe, Orange County, 919-928-5701
  • Donald Knowles, Chatham County, 919-968-0844
  • George Lucier, Chatham County, 919-548-4151

The committee will convene on September 8th at the Chatham County Library to make the official appointment. Full information about this meeting can be found here.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013 - 7:00pm


Post Office/Old Courthouse Building, 179 East Franklin St, Chapel Hill, NC

Senatorial District 23 Committee Meeting to Appoint Kinnaird Successor

The NC Senatorial District 23 Democratic Party Executive Committee will convene to appoint Former Senator Ellie Kinnaird's replacement at this meeting. You can read more about the candidates here.

There are four members on this committee, two from Orange County, who control 446 votes, and two from Chatham County, who control 212 votes. The members of the committee are as follows:

  • Wanda Hunter, Orange County, whunter1@nc.rr.com, 919-929-9655
  • Samantha Cabe, Orange County, 919-928-5701
  • Donald Knowles, Chatham County, 919-968-0844
  • George Lucier, Chatham County, 919-548-4151


Sunday, September 8, 2013 - 6:00pm


Holmes Room, Chatham County Library, 197 NC Hwy 87 North, Pittsboro, NC

More Campaigning

Today I read Nancy Oates' column endorsing Sally Greene for Ellie Kinnaird's seat. I second the motion. We would be well served by Sally, and I am not just saying that so that there will be another open seat on the Town Council! ; ) We need somebody who can carry on Ellie's good fight. It will take courage, stamina, endurance, and quite a bit of faith in our democracy. Go Sally!

State Senator Ellie Kinnaird Resigns

From an email just received:

Dear Friends,

This is my last newsletter to you. After a great deal of thought, I have decided to resign my position in the North Carolina Senate. It has been a great privilege and I have been honored to be chosen to represent the people of this district. Thank you for the opportunity to serve in this way, thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas and for your support over the years.

Friends of Downtown Chapel Hill Candidate Forum

Chapel HIll Mayor and Council candidates will be asked questions prepared by Board members of the Friends of Downtown at this event. Candidates who have not run for office before will go first, followed by the incumbent candidates, and then Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt (running unopposed). Before answering their first question, each candidate will have two minutes to introduce themselves to the audience. After each question, the moderator will ask someone from the audience for one follow-up question on the topic. If time permits, he will ask a second audience question of each candidate.

Coffee will be available at 9:30am prior to the start of the forum.


Thursday, August 29, 2013 - 10:00am


Franklin Hotel, Second Floor, 311 West Franklin Street, Chapel Hill



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