
News and opinions related to local elections.

Candidate Filing Starts Today

Board of Elections - Welcome!

Filing begins today at noon and closes in exactly two weeks. Races include Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of EducationMebane Mayor and City CouncilHillsborough Mayor and Town BoardCarrboro Mayor and Board of Alderpeople, and Chapel Hill Mayor and Town Council.

There has already been a lot of discussion about candidates, and I think this will be a particularly interesting year. We'll have an opportunity to meet many of the candidates in person at The OP Posse's third annual Candidate Coming Out Party.

Please use this open thread to post updates as you learn about new candidates. We'll be watching candidate filings here on the Orange County Board of Elections web page.

OP Candidate Coming Out Party

Join us for OrangePolitics' third annual Candidate Coming Out Party to meet your candidates on the final day of filing for municipal and school board races! 

These events have been very popular with current and hopeful elected officials, and this is a great way to find out who is running and ask them why. 

The official Facebook event to RSVP and share with friends is below.


Friday, July 19, 2013 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm


TRU DELI + WINE, 114 Henderson St., Chapel Hill,

Municipal Election Filing Nears: Potential Candidates for Hillsborough Town Board

Continuing our series about upcoming municipal elections, here's a look at what's happening in the northern part of the county in the race for Hillsborough Town Board. As a reminder, election filing opens in just a few weeks on July 5th. (You can read my post about Chapel Hill Town Council here and Molly's post about Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board here.)

There are two incumbents up for re-election this year:

Mike Gering was first elected to the Hillsborough Town Board in 2001, and has announced that he will not be seeking re-election this year. "The town is in good shape, and I believe change is healthy - both for me and for the town," Gering said in a news release, as reported by the News & Observer.

Frances Dancy also faces re-election this year. Dancy will complete her fourth term on the Town Board this year, and has not yet announced whether she will seek a fifth term yet.

Municipal Election Filing Nears: Potential Candidates for Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools Board of Education

As Travis notes in his post on the upcoming election for Chapel Hill Town Council, the filing period to run for the Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools Board of Education also begins on July 5th.

Three incumbents are up for re-election: James Barrett, Michelle Brownstein, and Greg McElveen

James Barrett was elected to a two-year seat in 2011. He intends to run for re-election.

Michelle Brownstein was first elected to the CHCCS Board in 2009. She is currently Board Chair. She also intends to run for re-election.

Greg McElveen was appointed to fill Pam Hemminger's seat when Pam was elected to the Orange County Board of County Commissioners in 2008. He was elected to the seat in 2009. Greg will not be seeking re-election.

This leaves one seat open. There are no known challengers at this point.

Municipal Election Filing Nears: Potential Candidates for Chapel Hill Town Council

In a little over a month, on July 5, candidate filing will open at the Orange County Board of Elections for municipal elections and the Chapel Hill/Carrboro School Board. There hasn't been much media attention yet to potential candidates for any of these offices, but with Gary Kahn announcing today his intention to run for Chapel Hill Town Council, it's certainly about that time when election speculation begins.

With many discussions about the future of Chapel Hill -- particularly the future of economic development -- occurring simultaneously right now, who runs and who wins in November could have a significant impact on shaping the direction in which Chapel Hill grows. As such, let's take a look at who we might expect to see emerge as candidates for Town Council as the filing period nears.



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