
News and opinions related to local elections.

Hintz for Town Council

I have copied the letter I submitted today for town council. As of today 5 other people have applied for the position. I look forward to learning about the other candidates. Fifteen years ago when my son was one I  applied for a vacancy. Since then I've served on numerous committees and boards but never ran for office. (My only attempt was in 1990 when I ran for the State House.) More recently I decided not to run because of my aging parents who then passed away. My wife had an illness but she has completely recovered. My son is older and more independent. Teaching always keeps me busy but I now have a much better handle on it. So I am ready to devote myself to Town Council.


Application for Town Council by Loren Hintz                            Jan. 4, 2012

Election Map 2012: Orange County Transit Tax Referendum

It's time to implement the transit plan.

As Gerry Cohen noted in a recent post, on Tuesday of this week, the county commissioners will take up three resolutions to begin implementing the Orange County transit plan. The transit plan describes how investments will be made in public transit in Orange County and the funding sources for those investments—including a new half-cent sales tax levied by Triangle Transit, a new $7 vehicle registration fee levied by the county, and an additional $3 vehicle registration fee levied by Triangle Transit.

Carrboro Alderman Vacancy

Dan Coleman will be missed in Carrboro. I have a couple of sisters who lived in Australia. I've already written to Dan offering what help I can with his transition. But I know that he will enjoy his new adventure in Australia.

Which means. A vacancy will soon be opening on the Carrboro Board of Aldermen. And my mind turns to matters of political ‘establishment,’ the righteousness of challenge in a community, and what makes me itchy.

Now. Let's get clear. There is a political ‘establishment’ in Carrboro. This is not necessarily a bad thing. So, why the itch?

Well, I get itchy at any appearance of an 'establishment' coronation.

I get itchy at any sense that one has to be a part of an homogenous 'establishment' to make progress. That the primary attribute of a candidacy should be that one has worked one's way up the ladder of 'establishment,' allowing its members to get comfortable with one.

I get itchy at the suggestion that a community is, indeed, homogenous. When patently no community is homogenous.

Election Day Open Thread

Polls opened 25 minutes ago. Which campaigns are out trying to cajole that last few supporters?

Are you volunteering today? Have you voted already? What's the scene at our poll sites?

Share your reports and thoughts about whatever you like on this open thread.

Watch and discuss election results with us on OPTV

Join us on Tuesday night for first-ever OrangePolitics' live, online election show! We will webcast a discussion of the election results starting with a preview at 7:00pm on Tuesday, and continuing on each half hour until the results are in (usually by 9pm at the latest). In addition to the OP Posse (Molly De Marco, Damon Seils, Jeff Miles, and myself) we will have several elected (newly and otherwise) officials and transit advocates on with us to talk about the results and what they mean for Orange County.

Guests are also welcome to come "on the air" with us during the show and post in the live chat room via Google Plus or just watch the show live on YouTube - all from the comfort of your own home or favorite victory party. Here's an invitation to the event: https://plus.google.com/events/c3v2oph4m70p4dmb9890k3ecm0s 

We will be using Google Hangouts to do this, which is free and easy but requires a Google Plus account. You can join in from any computer or laptop with a web cam. Here's more about the technology: http://www.google.com/+/learnmore/hangouts/onair.html 

More details to come as we figure it all out! 


Tuesday, November 6, 2012 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm


Google Hangout



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