
News and opinions related to local elections.

The Social Justice of Public Transit

After years of planning and community discussion, the Orange County Board of Commissioners recently placed a referendum on the November ballot for a half-cent sales tax to support public transit. Together with state and federal contributions, the new revenue will support a 20-year investment in bus and rail service in Orange County. There are many reasons to support the transit tax, like reducing the environmental degradation wreaked by overreliance on car travel and the sprawl it generates. Often overlooked are the benefits of public transit for marginalized populations.

Orange County delegation photoblog

Here are a few photos of and by the Orange County delegation at the DNC here in North Carolina.  Enjoy!






Sample ballots are posted

Sample ballots are out, and Orange starts mailing out absentee ballots on Tuesday the 11th.

The key to which precincts get which ballot ind the links to the ballots are at http://www.co.orange.nc.us/elect/SampleBallot.asp

there are four styles because of Orange being in two congressional and two state house districts.

Style 4 is used only in Cameron Park

Style 3 is used only in six northern precincts (Caldwell, Carr, Cedar Grove, Efland, Eno, St Marys, Tolars)

Styles 1 and 2 cover the rest

Amendment One Final Results Now Available by Precinct

The board of elections has now allocated all early votes back to the precinct level from the primary, and here are the precinct-by-precinct totals for Amendment One.

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