
Mysterious acquisition

UPDATE: UNC is buying University Square and Granville Towers.

Anyone want to guess what this is about?

Representatives from UNC-Chapel Hill and the Town of Chapel Hill will hold a joint news conference at 1 p.m. today to announce details about a major real estate acquisition. The event will be held at the Chapel Hill Town Hall.

The news will have "significant positive implications" for the future of the downtown Chapel Hill business district, UNC officials said this morning.


Since the start-up of BlueNC, I haven't paid a lot of attention to local politics. So imagine my surprise to find that the Chapel Hill Town Council voted on Monday to give its members health insurance for life. I can't find the story covered here, so I apologize if this is old news to everyone besides me.

But old news or not, I have to say, I'm stunned.

OWASA eyeing Jordan Lake water

Having just read this article ( I do not know how I feel about this issue. On one and Jordan Lake seems to be a rather large body of water. So, why not tap into it?

On the other hand, it is a fixed source of water and as I look around I see many people and institutions waste this precious resource (water). Let's use the water that we have responsibly first. Then, when we need more, tap into other sources. I am leaning towards this idea.

Commissioners and Planning Board discuss draft Comprehensive Plan

This Tuesday, June 10, the County Commissioners will hold a work session with the planning board to discuss the proposed comprehensive plan update. Although the plan has been under development since October 2006, the work session will be the first public meeting at which the commissioners will scrutinize the plan. The work session begins at 7:30pm and will be held at the Link Government Services Center, 200 S. Cameron St., Hillsborough.

Council Committee on Voter Owned Elections

I'm surprised to see our Town Council holding an official meeting at a corporate chain. Why not meet at Owen's or Breadmen's?

Title: Council Committee on Voter Owned Elections
Date: May 28, 2008
Address: 81 South Elliot Rd.
Chapel HIll, NC 27514
Location: Whole Foods
Hours: 8:30 a.m.



Wednesday, May 28, 2008 - 4:30am


Whole Foods



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