North Carolina
Ellie Kinnaird has announced that she will running for re-election to the NC Senate this year. In past years she claimed that she was ready to retire, but only if she could find a suitable female replacement. Here's the press release:
North Carolina State Senator Ellie Kinnaird
Contact: Senator Ellie Kinnaird
919 824-5240
Tuesday, January 10th, 2012
Announcement from the Orange County Human Relations Commission:
The Orange County Human Relations Commission invites you to
Human Relations Month Forum 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Marriage in North Carolina by Constitutional Amendment:
What are the Implications?”
Stuart Campbell, Executive Director - Equality North Carolina
Maxine Eichner, Professor UNC-CH School of Law
Brett Webb-Mitchell, Visiting Associate Professor North Carolina Central University
Milan Pham, Attorney NicholsonPham Attorneys at Law
Carrboro Century Center
100 North Greensboro Street
Carrboro, NC 27510
Refreshments and Entertainment by The Moaners at 2:30 PM. The public is invited.
For more information, call (919) 245-2487.
Sunday, January 29, 2012 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Carrboro Century Center, 100 N. Greensboro Street, Carrboro
I'm appalled with our 'D' senator in 2 distinctly dismal ways this afternoon.
First, Hagan votes to legalize the military to snatch and indefinitely detain anyone accused of being a scary 'terrorist.' Specifically, no lawyer will be allowed for anyone so accused. Also, this authorizes military actions within the US (um, posse comitatus? anyone?) This includes US citizens like me and you, dear reader. (Note this bill will extend to the military this unconstitutional priviledge currently only enjoyed by the president.)
More info here:
Urgent Action Needed! Pro Fracking PR Hack Descends Upon Chapel Hill: Tell Flyleaf Books to Cancel Event Immediately! (Please Forward Widely)
As advertised by UNC’s Humanities in Action program, they plan to bring the president of an oil and gas company that makes money off of hydraulic fracturing to speak in support of this dangerous natural gas extraction practice at a local independent bookstore called Flyleaf Books. There will be no one present to tell the other side of the story: that fracking has caused major disasters all over the country from well explosions, to methane leached in to water aquifers, poisoned families, carcinogens and hundreds of toxins leached into our rivers. The event is scheduled for December 7th from 3:30-5 p.m. and tickets cost $20.
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