Orange County

Where Are The High Tech Solutions?

I know that this is a "political" board but it seems like we have a lot of very "tech-savvy" people that post here.  Is anyone else concerned that a contractor's mistake today, resulting in a cut in a fiber-optics network in Chapel Hill, resulted in a loss of communication amongst courthouses and county offices in all 100 NC counties?

Cut fiber line knocks out state courts' communications

I find this kind of disconcerting myself.  It seems like the design of these systems has made us far, far too vulnerable.  I think this is a political issue because it raises concerns for public health and welfare , at least IMHO.

Climate Change Action: From Joke to Symbol to Reality


It is nice to be in a town that has a mayor who is willing to speak to the zeitgeist.  Feeling it also, a couple of months ago I created these designs ...

The last one has been printed on t-shirts if anyone is interested in partaking in some t-shirt activism ... now to show your support for our mayor's courage.

Changing our town's name by October 24 could turn an April Fools joke into a symbolic gesture to be heard throughout the world in a time when action on climate change is dangerously overdue.  Can the joke go to symbol  and then to action? 

Zoning Limits on Agricultural Activities in Orange County?

Lately I have read many articles on the success and development of small farms and agri-businesses across the country.  Key to the success of these operations is on-site processing of the agricultural products to add value. For example, rather than simply raising goats, the farmer would collect the milk, process to cheese and potentially retail on site.  Another example was a farmer growing hops and barley for an on-site microbrewery.

A nearby example would include grape growing and wine production in the Yadkin Valley.

Ready for a county income tax?

I've been writing about local government funding and the relationship of the state to the locals for a couple of decades now. Given that we saw a serious 'no' vote on the real estate transfer tax and are in the midst of another discussion over property taxes, I thought I'd get another revenue source that's not talked about all that much on the table.

County Manager Quits

Laura Blackmon gave notice to the BoCC.  Her last day is 30 June.



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