Planning & Transportation

Chapel Hill 2020- "Changes in the Nation's Healthcare System" Presentation by Bill Roper

A presentation as part of the Chapel Hill 2020 Process by Bill Roper, Dean of the UNC School Medicine, Vice Chancellor for Medical Affairs and CEO of the UNC Health Care System. Brad Wilson, President and CEO of Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina will also speak.


Thursday, January 5, 2012 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm


Town Hall, Council Chamber

Don't forget! Tomorrow will mark the second theme group reporting out! Be there at East Chapel HS, 7-9 p.m.

Downtown Partnership Shares Its Views on Chapel Hill 2020

On Monday, the Downtown Partnership posted its vision for Chapel Hill on 2020 Buzz, the official blog of the Chapel Hill 2020 process. The vision apparently stems from a meeting that the Chapel Hill 2020 Outreach Committee had with members of the Chamber of Commerce and the business community before Thanksgiving. 

The vision isn’t so much a vision as it as wish list. It calls on the town to expedite the review process for development downtown and provide for a whole host of a uses-by-right in the area so that new development downtown wouldn’t need any approval on top of building permits, zoning complains and certificates of occupancy. It also talks about building some new streets (especially in the north-south direction) downtown, making some changes to the way Chapel Hill does it zoning and ensuring regional transit is centered in the area.

Commissioners to discuss transit at work session Thursday

Hope some folks will join me in observing the Orange Commissioners' work session on transit, Thursday, 7 PM, at the Southern Human Services Center on Homestead Road.

The title of the agenda item:  Triangle Regional Transit Program – Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan; Alternatives Analysis and the Locally Preferred Alternative. There are two attachments. The first was compiled by County staff and is interesting, in many ways.

Ruby (with Izzy) were the bulk of the citizens in the room for the Commissioners' discussion of transit last last month. Because Izzy declared that he had other priorities, Ruby left me to let the Commissioners know that the grassroots organization was out there waiting for a signal from the Commissioners to get going on a transit referendum.  It will most likely happen in the November 2012 election

Whose Streets? Good question: Pedestrians and Chapel Hill

After what seems to have been a heated month of politics on OP, I thought I'd start December with a few questions about crosswalks, speeding, sidewalks, road design, and other issues that impact the walkability of Chapel Hill and Carrboro.

First, I've noticed that when I'm stopped at a crossswalk (particularly on Rosemary Street), cars rarely stop to let me cross, even if they see me patiently waiting. My understanding is that they are required to stop for pedestrians. What recourse do I have when they don't? How does one go about getting additional crosswalks put in? 



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