Planning & Transportation

Presentation- "Can We Heal Our Local Waterways? "

Presentation offered by Friends of Bolin Creek with the UNC Institute for the Environment.


Saturday, February 11, 2012 - 9:00am to 1:30pm


NC Botanical Garden, 100 Mason Farm Road, Chapel Hill

Resolve to Get Involved with Chapel Hill 2020 This New Year

January marks Chapel Hill 2020’s fifth month, and if the schedule of planned events is any indication it will its busiest by far.

Light Rail Routing Advocacy for Meadowmont

Last week, the Meadowmont Community Association (our homeowners' association) sent out a letter (a paper letter, via actual mail!) with the nominal purpose of informing residents of upcoming hearings before Town Council on the routing of the proposed light rail line. (For details on the issue, see my first blog post and my followup.) It omitted some important details however, so I wrote a response and emailed it around to some of my neighbors. I've posted it on my new single-issue website, and I'm reprinting it below. I hope everyone has a great 2012. — Geoffrey F. Green

Positive changes go hand in hand in east Chapel Hill

A few days ago we heard that the Ram's Plaza strip mall has been sold to a real estate development/management company, The Kalkow Group. This is can't be unrelated to the Town's recent completion of the draft Ephesus Church Road/Fordham Boulevard Small Area Plan. (In fact, it may even have been anticipated by the Town, I admit I didn't follow the process very closely.) A recent Chapel Hill News article shows how closely they are tied together...

DCHC MPO Public Hearing on Transit Alternatives Analysis

Blogged about here on OP:

 The Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) will conduct a public hearing on the rail transit Alternatives Analysis at its board meeting on January 11, 2012.   The meeting will be in the Committee Room on the second floor of Durham City Hall (101 City Hall Plaza, Durham, NC) at 9AM.  Citizens can sign in to request time to speak to the board, called the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC).

Citizens can also email their comments to , or post mail them to Andy Henry, Transportation Dept., 101 City Hall Plaza, Durham, NC 27701.  Comments will be accepted up to the time of the public hearing (January 11, 2012).

The TAC will likely vote on a Locally Preferred Alternative for the Durham-Orange county and the Durham-Wake county rail corridors at their subsequent meeting on February 8, 2012.

For additional information, see the DCHC MPO Web page at the following link, or contact Andy Henry, (919) 560-4366, x-36419, or


Wednesday, January 11, 2012 - 9:00am


Committee Room (2nd Floor), Durham City Hall- 101 City Hall Plaza, Durham, NC



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