Planning & Transportation

Hillsborough Rail Station Plans

Last year, the Rail Station Task Force recommended the Collins Parcel in Hillsborough as the best place for a future Amtrak and commuter station for Orange County, which is one of only two counties along the North Carolina Railroad corridor statewide without passenger service today (Davidson County is the other). Conceptual plans for the station and transit-oriented development on the site were presented to a packed audience on March 31, 2010 at the Orange County Library.

Campus to Campus Connector walk

Via e-mail...

On Saturday March 27 at noon at Caribou Coffee downtown Chapel Hill, the Campus to Campus Bike Connector group will lead a walk of a potential bike route to connect UNC campus with Carolina North.    For more information, see

Please note that there is a walk of the middle route(connection through Northsdie) planned for this Saturday, March 27. All folks interested in walking the route with CCBC and gaining insight on route conditions are welcome.  

Meet us at NOON (12pm)at Caribou Coffee on Franklin (near Columbia)...or as the old-timers know it, Hagen-Daaz/He's Not Here courtyard across from the Baptist Church downtown.

Walk time is estimated to be about 1 hour. 


Saturday, March 27, 2010 - 8:00am


Caribou Coffee, West Franklin Street, Chapel Hill

Campus to Campus Connector follow-up workshop

Via e-mail...

Please Join Us for a Follow-up Workshop!

Topic:    Campus to Campus Connector 

When:   April 15, 2010 5:30-7:00 PM

Where:  Magnolia Conference Room


               103 Airport Drive

Chapel Hill NC  27514


This meeting will be an opportunity to show the data, photographs and information collected on the routes that were suggested at our December 1, 2009 workshop.  The materials from that meeting are on the website


We are evaluating potential locations for a greenway and bike path connection between the Carolina North campus and the Main UNC Campus.  We are seeking a pathway that is not located within the Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. roadway and that avoids steep grades where feasible.  It may include existing or planned greenways for a portion of the route.


There will be a brief introduction by Town and University staff to share the data collected to date.

The majority of the workshop will be spent in an open session, getting feedback from the attendees.


You are welcome to use the maps & checklists we used and to bring your own photographs and information to the session.  We want to hear what you think!


If you have a question for the Town, call The Town of Chapel Hill Planning Department at:  (919) 968-2728


If you have a question for the University, contact Jill Coleman at  

You may also send comments to 


Check the 




Thursday, April 15, 2010 - 1:30pm


Magnolia Conference Room, 103 Airport Drive, Chapel Hill

Connect Carrboro & Support Regional Transit!

Triangle Transit, along with its local partners Chapel Hill Transit and the Durham Area Transit Authority, is currently in the process of considering service changes along the 15-501 corridor.  These changes present the opportunity for some much-needed improvements in the service between these areas, and as a Chapel Hill resident, I'm looking forward to greater connectivity to Durham.  But I think it is equally important to remember our friends in Carrboro who could greatly benefit from direct service to Durham (and of course, Durhamites deserve the opportunity to visit Carrboro in turn!).  I'm proud to be a supporter of a local effort called Connect Carrboro. They recently formed a Facebook Page to help supporters who want to learn more.

NC 54 Choices Tonight - anyone going to the meeting?

I'm hoping some folks are planning on attending tonight's second meeting of the NC 54/I40 corridor study group at the Friday Center between 5 and 8PM (2-25-10).

Basically, it looks like they are going to ask folks to choose between three possible scenarios, one in which they assume less growth along the corridor and no light rail or rapid bus transit, one in which they assume  more growth along the corridor and no light rail or rapid bus transit, and one in which they assume a lot of growth along the corridor, with light rail and rapid bus transit occurring and the current park and ride lots moved adjacent to I-40. 



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