The Triangle

Move to Cary?

J. Al Baldwin had an interesting letter in the CH News yesterday --


However, I think he has a couple of points very wrong (and the N&O doesn't allow comments on CHNews stories, so you get my thoughts here. Sorry).

 1)  We're not going back to the "village" that CH was 30 years ago.  While I remember that as a lovely place, the growth of the University and the quality of the schools has caused growth.  The question now is how we change to handle that growth, not how do we stay the same as we were 30 years ago (actually, 33 for me).

Triangle Regional Tranist Program Public Workshops - round 2 on Sept. 16

The regional transit workshops are continuing to happen and it's more important than ever that folks who care about the future of regional transit attend these workshops.  You can stop by at any point during the event and talk to someone.  No need to stat for the whole event. 

This time, the workshop is being held in Carrboro at the Century Center! Emphasis will be placed on the technical analysis of the different corridor options displayed at the first meeting (back when they met at Chapel Hill town hall last month). How does Carrboro fit in? How will Carrboro benefit?  Now is a really crucial time for folks who want to see West Chapel Hill and Carrboro included in a light rail plant, so stop by between 4 and 7PM on Sept. 16, 2010. 

Public workshop on regional transit

Series 2 public workshops:

The Triangle Regional Transit Program is moving forward with dedicated, passionate partners, including transportation and government organizations. However, our vision cannot come to fruition without your vital input. You, the public, are our client, our customer. And for our plans to be meaningful, we need to hear your thoughts and insight about the Triangle’s transit future.

So what do you think? Please join us for one of the upcoming public meetings so your voice can be heard. With meetings being held throughout the Triangle, there is sure to be one convenient to you. We look forward to seeing you there.

If you cannot make one of the public meetings, you can participate in the public involvement process in a number of ways. Please contact us to find out more.


Thursday, September 16, 2010 - 12:00pm to 3:00pm


Carrboro Century Center

Learn About Durham Tech’s New Sustainable Technology Program at OC Campus Event

Durham Technical Community College’s Orange County Campus is highlighting its new Sustainable Technology program on Saturday, July 10 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Area residents will have the opportunity to learn more about this new program. They can also view solar technology demonstrations and displays and talk to solar technology professionals.

Some highlights include:

  • Seeing mobile solar technology displays provided by Solar Tech South, Nature’s Energy Solutions, and Southern Energy Management;
  • Learning about the proposed solar technology lab and monitoring equipment;
  • Hearing music from a solar-powered amplifier;
  • Enjoying fresh sun tea and locally grown food.
Durham Tech President Bill Ingram, Orange County Commissioner Chair Valerie Foushee, and representatives from Duke Energy will address the gathering at 11 a.m. Officials from the Orange County Economic Development office, the Orange County Board of Commissioners, the Orange County Chamber of Commerce, and other agencies will be on hand during the event.  

The new Sustainable Technology program is designed to train workers in the installation, repair, and upgrade of sustainable technology systems. These systems are used by government municipalities, corporations, small businesses, and homeowners. The Sustainable Technology program, which will include an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree, prepares students for employment in environmental, construction, alternative energy, manufacturing, or other industries which emphasize energy production and waste reduction, along with sustainable technologies.

Beginning this fall, the program will offer the Alternate Energy certificate. This certificate is designed for licensed electricians, those pursuing an electrical degree, and those who are working in facilities services under the supervision of an electrician. The certificate instruction includes both energy audits and solar photovoltaic system installation. 


This new program will position Durham Tech’s Orange County Campus and Orange County as a leader and model in the state for developing innovative and practical green training programs and initiatives. 

For more information, contact Carlo Robustelli at 919-536-7200, ext. 4202, or cell 919 -943-2443, or

Also, check out the Orange County Campus blog so you can keep up-to-date on the latest news about Durham Tech in Orange County!   


Saturday, July 10, 2010 - 6:00am to 10:00am


Orange County Campus at Durham Tech 525 College Park Road, Hillsborough, NC 27278

Our Transit Future public meeting

See rickie White's post for more info:

From the web site:


The Triangle area continues to experience explosive growth — growth that requires increased mobility demands. Improvements must be made to the local transportation systems to maintain the area's quality of life and continue to attract new industry, jobs and residents.

It's time for the Triangle Regional Transit Program,

 a comprehensive study effort to look at regional transit rail opportunities and explore expanded regional busway networks. The program, spanning Orange, Durham and Wake counties, is an exciting move forward toward transit connectivity in the Triangle.

What do you think? Please join us for one of the upcoming public meetings so your voice can be heard. With meetings being held throughout the Triangle, there is sure to be one convenient to you. We look forward to seeing you there! 


Wednesday, July 7, 2010 - 1:30pm to 4:00pm


Chapel Hill Town Hall, 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Chapel Hill



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