The Triangle

Transit in the Triangle: the Benefits for You and the Region

The Institute for Emerging Issues, in conjunction with WUNC TV and Blueprint America, is holding a public education forum, Transit in the Triangle: the Benefits for You and the Region, on January 28, 2010, from 5-8 pm at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh.

This forum will be an excellent opportunity to learn about the importance of transit for the Triangle region, how your life could be improved with transit, what does transit look like today, and how other metro regions have benefited from transit and transit-oriented development.  

The Capital Area Friends of Transit, the Durham-Orange Friends of Transit and WakeUP Wake County are partners in the forum.

This event is free and open to the public.

McKimmon Center, NC State University
January 28, 2010
5:00 - 8:00 pm
5:00 - 5:30   Networking
5:30 - 5:35   Welcome
                    Anita Brown-Graham, Director, Institute for Emerging Issues
5:35 - 5:45   Introduction to Blueprint America
                    Shannon Vickery, Director of Production, WUNC-TV
5:45 - 6:15   Transit and Our Quality of Life
                    Nina Szlosberg, President, Circle Squared Media
6:15 - 6:45   Transit Options for the Triangle
                    David King, CEO and General Manager, Triangle Transit
6:45 - 7:15   The Dallas Example: Opportunities for the Triangle


Thursday, January 28, 2010 - 12:00pm


McKimmon Center, NC State University

Building Support for Transit Begins!

A day after the elections for city-wide offices in Durham, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Hillsborough several of our elected officials joined advocates for transit to publicly launch "DO Transit" - Durham Orange Friends of Transit.  Thanks to Gerry Cohen for posting info about the kick-off meeting here on OP and for being there last night to help explain House Bill 148.  The newly enacted legislation establishes the Congestion Relief and Intermodal Transportation 21st Century Fund, providing the Triangle with an unprecedented opportunity to build a robust transit system.  

An Opportunity to Advocate for Better Regional Transit

I just received an email announcing the organizational meeting for the Durham Orange Friends of Transit and it got me to thinking... As a resident of Carrboro, I continue to hear a lot of excitement at the neighborhood and town level about the idea of some type of fixed rail service with a stop in downtown that takes folks to the university and beyond to Durham. Despite this, everyone that I've heard that is "in the know" about transit issues seems to be dismissive of the idea that a station in Carrboro is a viable idea. I believe this is partially due to the perception that the Carrboro population is not large enough to sustain such a station. The types of statistics I've seen that justify transit and transit stops tend to only use population and density numbers, but don't take into account the percentage of the population likely to use such a service.

Transit campaign set to kick off soon

With the passage of House Bill 148 by the 2009 General Assembly, authorizing a referendum on a sales tax increase in Wake, Durham, and Orange Counties (fiscal details here) to fund a regional rail system and a rapid increase in bus service, supporters turn next to a potential referendum campaign in 2010 or 2011. See the proposed regional map here.  (click header or "read more" to see remainder of post)

Where Are The High Tech Solutions?

I know that this is a "political" board but it seems like we have a lot of very "tech-savvy" people that post here.  Is anyone else concerned that a contractor's mistake today, resulting in a cut in a fiber-optics network in Chapel Hill, resulted in a loss of communication amongst courthouses and county offices in all 100 NC counties?

Cut fiber line knocks out state courts' communications

I find this kind of disconcerting myself.  It seems like the design of these systems has made us far, far too vulnerable.  I think this is a political issue because it raises concerns for public health and welfare , at least IMHO.



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