Tonight at the Central Orange Senior Center (103 Meadowlands Drive, Hillsborough), three new members will be sworn in to the Orange County Board of Commissioners. A reception will take place at 6 pm with the business meeting starting at 7. Follow @orangepolitics for live tweets from the meeting.
After taking their new seats, the first item on the agenda (PDF) will be to elect a chair and vice-chair for the next year. New commissioners Renee Price, Penny Rich, and Mark Dorosin were elected in a primary in which voters seemed strongly intent on change (incumbents lost in both districts). They join a group with a strong record of environmentalism, and with good intentions on social justice and economic development. I'm looking forward to seeing what this new board of comissioners can accomplish together.
The Historic Rogers Road Task Force has made progress over the past several months to redress the burden the Rogers Road community has carried in receiving the county's solid waste for over 40 years. Details of a community center are nearing completion. Habitat for Humanity of Orange County will donate two lots for the siting of the community center in the Phoenix Place subdivision. The Orange County Board of Commissioners has approved a capital project of $500,000 to build the community center. A plan is being ironed out for the Rogers-Eubanks Neighborhood Association to rent the commuity center from the county for $1 per year. The towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill will contribute to the center's programming costs.
On September 18, 2012, the Board of Aldermen agreed to contribute up to $900,000 for the remediation effort.
All of us in the local political chattering class have been talking about who will be the successor to Penny Rich, since Penny will be resigning from the Chapel Hill Town Council soon to take her new seat on the Orange County Board of Commissioners. A lot of qualified names have been tossed out, including Maria Palmer and George Cianciolo.
But there is a new candidate in the mix that I believe will eclipse the competition. I heard from a friend that former Town Council member Sally Greene was interested in the seat. I was so excited to hear this that I called her this weekend and she confirmed that she really is interested in returning to the big curved table at Town Hall.
Officially canvassed election results were releaesd by the Orange County Board of Elections Friday afternoon.
About 160 of the 400 provisional ballots were counted, along with civilian absentee ballots received thru 11/9 and military and overseas ballots received thru 11/15. A total of 77,050 votes were cast (compared with 75,194 in 2008). Prez wound up 70.22% to 28.06%, Dalton had 64.44, to McCrory's 32.42% with the Libertarian 3.08% (above Howe's statewide average of 2.1%)
The official canvass inched the YES on Transit up from 58.83% to 58.88%.
I also got from the BoE some stats broken down by early vote site (the online canvass has all five sites lumped in together - the totals will be broken out by precinct by early January).
The Carrboro Board of Aldermen tonight voted unananimously to support freedom of speech on Chapel Hill Transit buses.
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