Police statement published today by the Carrboro Citizen:
On Thursday, December 11th, the Chapel Hill Police responded to a
traffic crash on N.C. 54 west of the South Columbia Street Bridge.
Seven pedestrians were reportedly crossing the roadway at approximately
10:30 PM. Four of the pedestrians had made it to the median and three
were struck by an eastbound vehicle. One person, a female, was
pronounced dead at the scene and two others were transported to UNC
Hospital for treatment of their non-life threatening injuries.
- http://www.carrborocitizen.com/main/2008/12/12/pedestrian-killed-at-south-columbia-street-bridge/
Highlighting yet again the need to make our town more walkable.
Among other things on the County Commissioners agenda tonight the siting of the proposed waste transfer station. John Rees, an avid cyclist who lives in Dogwood Acres, is there and posting updates via Twitter. Here are his updated posts in reverse chronological order (newest to oldest):
I think we are in about the 4th iteration of the Chapel Hill Public Library debate, but whatever the number, it's an important debate about an important issue. Four things stick out to me:
First, the Town Council has delayed moving forward with the addition. As much as I want to see it built, the current economic situation being what it is gave them little choice. When the situation is more favorable I'm sure that they will move forward.
Hello! You all may be aware that I host The West End Report (Wednesday edition; 6pm) on WCOM 103.5 LP FM -- Carrboro's all-volunteer, Community Radio station.
But did you also know that I now report for WCHL 1360 News-Talk Radio?
My wonderful News Director just gave me the popular segment, 'What You're Saying on the Street" to revamp in my own personal style.
WYSOS will feature opinions of Chapel Hill-Carrboro residents on hot-topic issues in our community. Recently, I produced the segment to find out your thoughts on Carrboro passing the same-sex marriage resolution and if Chapel Hill should follow suit.
I would like to know what topics you think we should be asking on the street. What issues matter most to you in our community? What locations do you think are best for me to go to get people's opinions? What topics are important to you but are not being addressed in other media outlets?
In speaking to the Friends of Pat Evans, err, I mean Friends of Downtown, Meadowmont developer and Board of Trustees Chair Roger Perry identified the same problems that I have been talking about in regards to Chapel Hill's downtown.
"You have to treat downtown with deference," Perry
said. "You've got to put more money into downtown than into outlying
areas." That means more and better lighting and, in the case of one
particular area, sidewalks.
"That we don't have sidewalks along Rosemary all the way is nuts," he said. "We're tying an arm behind our backs." [...]
Perry saved his most critical words for the
"irresponsible ownership" of some downtown buildings. Without
mentioning specific names, he riffed on "absentee owners" who don't act
as good stewards of the town or their properties, allowing buildings to
slip below fire code standards and otherwise exhibiting no sense of
urgency in filling vacancies in prime retail locations.
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