One of downtown Carrboro's new development sites is for sale, putting the project on hold for the time-being. Read more in today's
Roberson Square site on the market. Do you think more slow-downs and cancellations will occur?
I attended the meeting at the White Cross community center, in Southern Orange County. There was a good turnout of people. The community center is a building housing gymnasium / basketball court and space surrounding it for spectators. The room was full of attendees.
The group that arranged the meeting is called “Preserve Rural Orange”; they are just getting organized to oppose the airport. They were handing out ‘No Airport” signs and bumper stickers at the meeting and asking for donations to offset the cost of printing.
Okay, here’s where I’m thinking things stand regarding an
airport anywhere in Orange County, and just for a chuckle, I’ve handicapped the
scenarios as I see them. Note: I do not have insider information from anyone in any form, just conjecture based on history and a large dollop of cynicism.
1. Horace Williams Airport remains open, where it is, for
at least another 7-10 years and likely beyond. REVISED 3/24/11: Odds 95 in 100.
The Board of County Comissioners finally has seen fit to not included Eubanks Road in the narrowed list of proposed sites for the transfer station. While it ain't over till it's over, this is most welcome news. It looks like the BOCC has made strides in redemption by coming down this time for social and environmental justice.
The fight that the Rogers/Eubanks road community has waged for their neighborhood now has victory in their sights and with that victory will come a victory for the soul of Orange County. This has been a struggle that has taken decades.
Special kudos go to Reverend Robert Campbell and Neloa Jones for showing the perseverance and fortitude to make their case time and time again and lead their community against the odds. It proves that community activism and participation can make a real difference and overcome what at times seem like a never-ending series of obstacles.
However, vigilance is still required.
Early voting starts today! Here's a handy list of locations and hours via the Chapel Hill Herald:
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