Who turned out the lights?

There appears to be a major power outage affecting at least 2,500 Duke Power customers in Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and at UNC. Duke says they don't know what the cause is, but they hope to have everything restored bt 4 pm today.

I got most of the above from http://twitter.com/dailytarheel. Follow that and http://twitter.com/orangepolitics for updates. I'm posting from my phone so tweeting is a lot easier than commenting.

Thorp Interview on the Jetport

I was struck by the circular logic displayed by UNC Chancellor Holden Thorp in his Chapel Hill News interview. To me, (and I admit having researched the issue and made my mind up about it) the notion of taking land by eminent domain, tearing up the countryside and spending 40-50 million of my tax money is just not justified by a dodgy economic "working paper" and Thorp saying "It's better for us to have a regional airport".

CHN: If RDU was acceptable then and it's acceptable in the interim, what difference does it make whether you take 35 minutes to get to an airport or 25 minutes to get to an airport.

Thorp: Because we can develop our own operations.

Down-Ballot '08

I am sure you have all sorted out the Presidential race already, but there are lots of other races on the ballot this year.  About half of them are partisan (ie Dems vs. Reps), but quite a few are not.  Let's take a look at the non-partisan races...

Debate for U.S. Rep. from the 4th District

In the upcoming election, for Progressives, is BJ Lawson an alternative to Representative David Price?  BJ Lawson is running as a Republican and his winning the NC 4th Congressional District could contribute to Democrats losing control of the House.  Does BJ Lawson believe that there is no role for government in regulating the financial system or industry?

On the other hand, how in the world could the question of a Republican possibly having a chance against an incumbent Democrat of our District be possible?  Could it be related to Representative David Price taking for granted the security of his position to the point of believing that voting for the Wall Street Bail-out twice, US Patriot Act, funding the war for many years (he has recently discontinued this, thanks!), sanctioning the most recent Israeli bombardment of Lebanon, voting in favor of the Bankrupcy law, not being against the bio-defense lab of Butner, etc ... not have any repercussions?

BE AN INFORMED VOTER: Come out and find out how these candidates compare with one another TODAY!


Tuesday, October 14, 2008 - 2:15pm to 4:00pm



The replacements

(I almost called this post "Who's filling the gap, II.")  With the tragic death of Chapel Hill Town Council Member Bill Thorpe and the certain election of Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board Member Pam Hemminger to the County Commissioners, both bodies will be selecting replacements to fill those seats in the coming months.



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