BJ Lawson
Ask them yourself! US Rep David Price (D) & BJ Lawson (R)
debate the issues at a candidates' forum co-sponsored by the Independent Weekly & Public may submit questions to the candidates at the event or in advance by e-mailing The 4th Congressional District includes Durham, Orange & parts of Chatham & Western Wake (Cary, Fuquay, Holly Springs, New Hill, Morrisville) counties. In the second-floor public space of the Durham Transportation Center, 515 W Pettigrew St.
Friday, October 8, 2010 - 2:30pm
Durham Transportation Center, 515 W Pettigrew St., Durham
BJ, when you first started running against David Price, George W Bush was still president of our country and the leader of your party. You seemed different, a breath of fresh air - you talked about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and seemed to have some idea of the dangers of powerful government. As a civil libertarian, I wanted to find out more about you, so I contacted you and we had a wonderful three-hour breakfast meeting where we seemed to agree on a lot of principles and issues. After that we met once, perhaps twice, for more pleasant and stimulating conversations. I even invited you to a liberal political group, where you impressed other liberals with your apparent earnestness and even with some of your ideas.
At one point I asked you why you belonged to the Republican Party. You replied that the party was broken, ripe for takeover. That sounded reasonable, given the ways that a Republican President and Congress had tossed away a budget surplus and gone to war against a country that hadn't attacked us. That Republican Party is dangerous, I said, and you seemed to agree.
I was push-polled by Edge polling on behalf of the Lawson campaign or some other Republican PAC this evening. The questions were reasonably straightforward for the first 5-7 minutes, then got more paranoid about illegal immigration and whether or not the country had abandoned the Constitution. It closed with something like, "David Price, a college professor and your current representative, is an 11-term incumbent who supports Barack Obama's takeover and bailouts for companies that are too big to fail, and votes with Nancy Pelosi more than any other member of Congress. If this makes you more likely to vote for him, press 1. If it makes you less likely, press 2."
Final question, same button choices:
"BJ Lawson is a father, a medical doctor, and a successful small businessman who is reported to have strong grassroots support who will lower taxes and restore the Constitution blah blah blah..."
The most interesting question was about whether or not I supported Federal regulations that may add burdens to local and small farmers who sell at Farmer's Markets. Perhaps Lawson is trying this out as a wedge issue against Price?
The meeting this evening in White Cross, near the top-ranked 'Site
H' for UNC air operations after RDU, was very well attended and full of
reasonable information, some of which was recently brought out in the
Indy. I encourage participation in further meetings organized by
In a recent letter to constituents, Representative David Price described opposition candidate BJ Lawson's position on various issues. It would be informative to get BJ Lawson's point by point response to each issue as described by Representative David Price. Similarly, it would be informative to get Representative David Price's response to Price according to Lawson on the issues. I don't have the time to compile or find this one, if someone does please post it in the same format as this post but as a separate post. Lets hope to get their responses ...
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