Hey you, vote Tuesday

Yeah YOU. Did you know that there's an election on Tuesday? That's OK - I forgot too.

A handful of registered Democrats and independents who remember to go to the polls across North Carolina will be selecting the nominee for Commissioner of Labor. But more interestingly (to me, anyway) voters in the newly-created northern district of Orange County will be selecting their first County Commissioner to represent District 2.

Steve Yuhasz and Leo Allison finished the primary with 37% and 27% respectively. Yuhasz' failure to get over 40% qualified Allison to ask for a run-off.

Unfortunately I'm out of town, or I would drive around Hillsborough and parts north this weekend and see what going on. Are people talking about the election? How many people will vote on Tuesday?

The results will come in at: http://results.enr.clarityelections.com/NC/Orange/4609/6585/en/summary.html

BUB is up (not to mention gas prices)

Nearly two years after BUB's inception, Blue Urban Bikes and the ReCYCLEry have received recognition at RTP Headquarter's 2008 luncheon and award ceremony celebrating the achievements of the year's transportation demand management (TDM) programs, including the Durham County Trip Reduction Ordinance and TDM Programs in RTP, Durham, Orange and Wake Counties.

There are 8 BUB Hubs now, from Eastgate to the MLK YMCA and into Carrboro. Discussions are ongoing with Wellspring, 3 campus locations, and hopefully in Meadowmont. Rumor has it that a possible partnership with gotriangle could target bus stops. Thanks to the determination, effort and foresight of just a couple people at the outset, SURGE, and the community at large, the program survives and is looking better than ever.

New Elementary School for Northside

I just read the N&O report that the Chapel Hill Carrboro School Board voted last night to site elementary school number eleven in Northside neighborhood between Caldwell and McMasters streets, and I couldn't be happier.

Is This What We've Come To?

Unless you've been on vacation for the last 10 days or so you should be quite aware of the controversial action of the Chapel Hill Town Council (by a 8-1 vote) granting themselves a health care benefit usually associated with long-term service. I'm sure readers of this site have by now made up their minds as to the appropriateness of this action so I need not concern myself with that. I would hope that readers are also aware that the Council members who voted in favor of this benefit quickly realized that they had erred, if not in substance, at least in process, and quickly reversed their decision. Even before they had voted to reverse their decision they were inundated with voice mails and emails, some apparently quite nasty and distastetful, expressing their displeasure over the Council actions.

Special Transit Advisory Commission releases planning blueprint

The Special Transit Advisory Commission (STAC) is made up of citizens and transportation specialists from throughout the Triangle area. The Capital Area MPO (CAMPO) and the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO (DCHC-MPO) have formed this advisory board to come up with a new set of transit and fixed-guideway (rail) plans to bring more and better transit options to the Triangle region. The report, with recommendations and some terrific maps of the options, is available for download from the Regional Transit Infrastructure Blueprint page.

I saw a presentation on this report last night from Triangle J Council of Governments (TJCOG), and I can't wait for a chance to read it carefully. I look forward to hearing your comments and questions as well, and would be happy to forward them to TJCOG, which is one of the report-generating entities which worked with the STAC in generating studies and gathering data.



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