Community 3.0

This an excerpt from an essay Ruby wrote in November about how we might approach community management in this new version of OrangePolitics. Your thoughts are welcome.

As we are approaching the second major platform change to OP (from WordPress to Drupal), I’m starting to think about how to help the readers feed back into the system and have some collective say about what words and what behavior is or is not valued. It’s already going to be a great improvement that trusted users can have their own blogs on the site. I’m especially interested in Drupal modules that might help with rating content (both posts and comments), although I also accept that some manual moderation will probably be needed, especially in determining what goes on the front page.

Getting to a downtown library branch

I wanted to take advantage of this forum to submit an idea someone shared with me this past week. My friend noted the fact that people have recently been speaking out in favor of locating new libraries in both downtown Chapel Hill and Carrboro. We came up with the suggestion that Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Orange County should come together to build one library on or near the border shared by the two towns in the area of Rosemary Street.

This way, Chapel Hill would get the library close to downtown that has been desired and Carrboro would get the same. In theory this library could be funded from four entities if the fed chipped in. Compared to the current plan of two towns and two libraries, which proposes that Carrboro's library would be funded by Orange County and Chapel Hill's library would be funded by Chapel Hill, this would be a more efficient use of all of our tax dollars.

Welcome Lydia, and thank you Alex

And now tonight at 7:30 Carrboro will swear in new and re-elected members of the Board of Aldermen: Joal, Dan, and Lydia. I'm sure Dan Coleman will be breathing a sigh of relief now that he has been put before the people of Carrboro and duly elected. Expect another round of nice speeches followed by good snacks. If there have been as many bitter recriminations in Carrboro as there have been in Chapel Hill, I sure haven't noticed. What are people saying? Are we ready to work together yet?

New Council starts today

Tonight, the Chapel Hill Town Council will swear in the four folks elected this fall: Jim, Sally, Bill, and Matt. Hopefully, this will lay to rest the Chapel Hill News' obsession with picking on Cam Hill. Presumably, you can look for Matt Czajkowski - who promised to ride his bike to all Council meetings - pedaling up Franklin Street tonight.

Bill of Rights Day & other good stuff

Our late friend Joe Herzenberg organized the Bill of Rights readings at the Franklin Street Post Office. Let's keep his work going with a reading on 12/15 and other events going on this month.

The following announcement comes from local activist Peggy Misch.

Local events in December:
UNC Constitutional Convention, 9AM -5PM, December 1. Attend session at 3:30 PM only, if you wish.

Reading of Orange County Human Relations Commission's proclamation for HUMAN RIGHTS WEEK, HUMAN RIGHTS DAY, and BILL OF RIGHTS DAY, 7:30pm, December 3, New Court House, 106 East Margaret Lane, Hillsborough (at County Commissioners' meeting). Call me (942-2535) to carpool.

Reading of Mayor Mark Chilton's Bill of Rights Day proclamation, 7:30PM, December 4, Carrboro Town Hall, 301 West Main Street.

Vigil to Honor Human Rights Week December 10-16: Noon, December 12, Peace and Justice Plaza (corner of Henderson and East Franklin Streets), Chapel Hill. Sponsored by Women's International League for Peace and Freedom-Triangle Branch. Information: 942-2919.



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