Forum on creating progressive media

Readers might be interested in a forum on creating progressive media that I am organizing, for December 6th. OrangePolitics is welcome to participate and it is set up as an informal discussion. The discussion will probably focus more on the mechanics of journalism than on the actual message, but we could also talk about framing.

The non-partisan Triangle Socialist Forum is hosting a discussion on the challenges in creating progressive media, with Independent Voices TV ( ) and Triangle Free Press (, Thursday, December 6th, at 7pm in the conference room at the Chapel Hill Public Library.

PDNC Annual Meeting in Chapel Hill


Let us count the tipping points that we face next year: political, economic, social, climate - just for starters. The questions are: Which way will they tip and who will do the tipping?

There is nothing mechanical about these critical tipping points. They are mostly contests of vision, combined with sheer energy and will, that determine who will make policy decisions, and what those decisions will be.

As the Progressives Democrats of NC (PDNC), we have tried to be the link between the issues and advocacy groups that matter to real people, and the political process that can enact real reforms.

To be effective, we need to be charged up, diverse and united, and have a smart plan.

The Orange County Chapter is the host of the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Progressive Democrats of NC and invites all to come to the concert on Friday evening and the meeting and Democratic Lt. Governor Candidates forum on Saturday. Membership is NOT required; however, non-members cannot vote.


Thinking ahead

There's been some justified hand-wringing lately how hard it is to get to our public library. As Chapel Hill Town Council Member Mark Kleinschmidt noted, the library's location and site plan are "really very car-centric." I get a little snitty when I hear this kind of observation. Of course he's right. But why wasn't it so obvious to the Town before we sited and built the library? After all, it's not like no-one pointed this out at the time.

Granted, none of the current members were on the Council when the Library was built over 15 years ago, but there was a different group of 9 "environmentalists" sitting at the same table and this is what their advisory boards told them:

Buy Nothing Day & Lisa Garmon dedication

On Friday, 23 Nov 2007, Internationalist Books & Community Center will host Buy Nothing Day. Popular media call the Friday after Thanksgiving "Black Friday" because retail sales are huge. In response, many community centers have offered a Buy Nothing Day alternative. Instead of hoping to find happiness in materialism, they hope to remind people that some amazing things can be free (or shared, or passed on): skills, knowledges, friendship, conversation, food, etc.

Internationalist Books will sell nothing on Friday, but we will be open for open workshops and skillshares, 11am-4pm. On the front patio, we will have a table of nicely used clothes for trade/giveaway/additional donations. From 12noon-5pm, we will host a potluck. Please stop by the store and bring used clothing, food, family, friends, and yourself.

At 4pm, we will officially dedicate our Lending Library to long-time activist and supporter Lisa Garmon. We share wonderful memories of her, and she indelibly changed the lives of many in Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and UNC. Please join us for our dedication to her life, her work, and her honor.

A foot in the door to Carolina North

Given that UNC is proposing to build the Innovation Center on MLK Boulevard as the gateway to Carolina North without having submitted their plans for the entire campus, we should all be watching this development closely.

I only live a mile away from where this will be built, but unfortunately I can't go to this "community meeting" next week (I have a date with a Congressman that night). Hopefully some of you will go and report back on what they're up to.

The University and Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. are planning the Carolina Innovation Center on the Carolina North property at the corner of Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard and the former Municipal Drive. The Innovation Center will provide an environment where innovation-based companies affiliated with the University can turn laboratory concepts into viable businesses.



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