Fein and Tomasky debate impeachment @ Carrboro Century Center

Coalition for the Constitution will host a Debate on Impeachment between Republican Bruce Fein (pro-impeachment) and Democrat Michael Tomasky (anti-impeachment) 7pm T 15 Jan 08 at the Carrboro Century Center. "Admission is free and all citizens are encouraged to attend." The debate will be moderated by UNC Professor of Leadership and Public Policy W. Hodding Carter III and hosted by Orange County Commissioner Moses Carey. For "general and sponsor information," contact John Heuer, 919-933-6589, 919-444-3823, jheuer@coalitionfortheconstitution.com


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - 2:00pm

So what's the big deal with the new platform?

We have finally arrived at OrangePolitics, version 3! You may be wondering how the site is changing, and I hope to explain that here. The biggest change is to the entire framework of publishing - on the new site every registered user has her own blog! This comes with a few other changes, for example every new piece of content does not necessarily appear on the front page. There are several ways to dig in and find the stuff you want, including: the Latest content page, which shows everything that has been published; Keywords (at right), which allow users to label and organize posts any way you like; and the Watchlist, where you can keep up with the bloggers you are most interested in.The front page of the site also shows the 10 most recent comments (as before), as well as 5 recently popular posts (based on your ratings), and 3 random entries from the archives. All of these are available in the left sidebar. Right now, the people designated as "editors" have the ability to decide what goes on the front page.


A running list of known problems with the current (beta) version of OrangePolitics 3.0:

  • Previous users are not having to opt-in to the terms of service.

Problems specifically with entries imported from the old site:

  • Some comments have the wrong timestamp. (Which ones?)
  • All content was "created" on the day it was imported.

OP takes a vacation

It's that time of year when I go to the beach and many of you hang out with your families and decorate Hanukkah bushes or something. (Oh wait, Hanukkah is already over.) As has become our end-of-year custom, commenting and new posting will be disabled for a while so we can all unwind and spend time aways from our blasted keyboards. OP will be on vacation from about 9pm Dec. 23rd to about 9am January 3rd.

What you can do in your spare time? Play with the new beta version of our site! I will post the address here on this page before we go off the air on Sunday. If testing goes well, you could be coming back to a whole new OP in January! Wish us luck...

Update: Screenshot posted.

Bring back 24/7 service at the shelter

Feeling charitable this solstice? The Inter-Faith Council, which provides critical support to some of our most vulnerable neighbors, had to roll back their hours due to lack of funding earlier this year. Thanks to a challenge grant, they are now poised to bring back 24-hour service, but only if they raise another $6,000 by December 31st.

You can donate to IFC online through Network for Good. Put "24/7 campaign" in the Designation field. If you care to mention in the Dedication field that you came from OrangePolitics, that would be a great way to let the IFC know how much we appreciate their work!

Your 24/7/365 gift will enable IFC to:



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