Chapel Hill
Gene Nichol moderates this social justice
focused candidate forum on Wednesday, Oct 21 from 7-9 p.m. Hear
candidate ideas and positions on issues like affordable housing,
democracy reform and civil rights, welcoming Chapel Hill's immigrant
and refugee communities, and environmental justice.
forum sponsors include: NC Common Cause, Democracy North Carolina,
League of Women Voters, NAACP (UNC Chapter), Justice and Peace
Commission of The Church of Reconciliation. Individual sponsors
include: Rev. Stephen Elkins-Williams (Chapel of the Cross), Rev. Bob
Dunham (University Presbyterian Church), Richard andJill Edens (United
Church of Chapel Hill), and Rev. Peter JB Carman (Binkley Baptist
Due to other church business that evening, THERE IS NO PARKING AT UUMC. Please plan to use street or other available parking.
Contact Josh Glasser, or 919-260-1364 for more information
Wednesday, October 21, 2009 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm
University United Methodist Church, 150 E Franklin St.
I'm sure everyone has seen the rainbow flags downtown, and in case you were wondering, it is pride weekend here in NC. The biggest events were the speeches, festival, and parade over in Durham today, but it is something the whole triangle & to some degree the state gets into. If you check out this site, you'll see events all over, including several in Chapel Hill. It marks the 25th anniversary of this celebration. There were speeches, festival
grounds, food, vendors, booths, and lots of fun to be had. I believe it is important to see this as not only a good time, but also as a large
political rally with a positive message since this was the first NC Pride since prop 8 & the protests
The first statement you find on Matt Czajkowski's web site is:
"It is very clear that the property tax burden has become unsustainable. Many of the very people who have contributed to making Chapel Hill a special place are now being forced to consider leaving our town, counter to our cherished goal of preserving diversity at all levels."
Being an engineer and a numbers person I wondered two things. What was the data used to support the statement that diversity in the town was declining and, if so, what is the basis for connecting this to the property tax?
The most recent posts on OrangePolitics are about HOV lanes, Joe Herzenberg, and the Herald-Sun redesign. What's missing is the lawsuit Carrboro won against Marilyn Kille, reports on recent voter forums, discussion of Monday night's Chapel Hill Town Council meeting and the unresolved issue of appointing Bill Strom's replacement. There's not even any mention of the highly contentious chicken slaughter. Ruby's pre-occupied with a new baby and a career. There was a recent post asking if OP is a public resource or Ruby's private playground. The answer may be in how people use the site rather than Ruby's intention.
Does anyone know anything about this new group reported in Orange Chat, Citizens for Responsible Government. They appear to be a political action committee of some sort that intends on influencing the upcoming election.
The website says that their mission is to, "support candidates and policies that promote the responsiveness, efficiency and fiscal health of our local governments."
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