Chapel Hill
The Town of Chapel Hill visioning project is
designed to engage the Chapel Hill community through a range of outreach
efforts to both inform and gather public comment on community values and
future growth.
The information will assist the Sustainable
Community Visioning Task Force, a group of volunteer citizens appointed by
the Town Council to prepare recommendations on what growth should look like
over the next 10 years.
The visioning forums are just one of a number of
ways that the Sustainable Community Visioning Task Force will be obtaining
information about the community over the next 7 months.
As part of this initial outreach, Chapel Hill
residents are invited to attend community forums, draw on visioning walls, and
participate in online surveys as part of "Chapel Hill 2020," a
community visioning project scheduled June 1-7.
aka my wedding pictures!
The anti-gay groups don't like that NC is the only southern state
without a marriage discrimination amendment to their constitution
because they are worried someone could get married out of state, then
come back home and sue to have their marriage recognized. Well as of
Friday I am one more person for them to be afraid of because I got
married in Boston Friday.
This is organized by the Town of Chapel Hill for residents to better understand and participate in the planning process for CN. I can't find an agenda online, but check or
Wednesday, March 4, 2009 - 10:00am to 2:00pm
From Chapel Hill eNews:
The public is invited to a big splash from 11 a.m. to noon Friday, Feb. 13, when the Homestead Aquatic Center will be dedicated and formerly opened to the community. The grand opening celebration will feature an official dedication ceremony, complete with a ribbon cutting, a dedication plaque and a grand cake. The Town of Chapel Hill's Parks and Recreation Department is coordinating the activities.
The $6.5 million state-of-the-art facility funded jointly by Chapel Hill and Orange County will enhance the community's quality of life for years to come, and everyone is encouraged to share in the celebration. Dedication ceremonies commence at 11 a.m. with a ribbon cutting and unveiling of the dedication plaque. The celebration will be attended by Mayor Kevin Foy and members of the Chapel Hill Town Council, Orange County Board Commissioner Barry Jacobs and other members of the Orange County Board of Commissioners, Town Manager Roger L. Stancil, County Manager Laura Blackmon, and others. Free swim passes to the new Aquatic Center will be offered. The event will be held rain or shine.
The center is situated in the northwest corner of the 40-acre Homestead Park at 300 Northern Park Drive off Homestead Drive in Chapel Hill. There are two pools, a larger "lap pool" for swimming team practices and lap swimmers, and a warm-water teaching "recreation pool" for families and non-competitive swimmers. The larger pool measures 25 yards by 25 meters with a depth ranging from 4 to 9 feet. The smaller pool has a zero-depth entry ramp and measures 25 yards by 10 yards with a depth of up to 6 feet.
Friday, February 13, 2009 - 6:00am to 7:00am
300 Northern Park Drive, Chapel Hill
Over on the
Carrboro bike/ped thread I
inadvertently hijacked it by bringing up a topic that was loosely related. (Sorry Rickie!) So lets move it over here.
To prevent global disaster we need to look in own our backyards for change. One good way to do this is by examining how we use and generate electricity. Should the University of North Carolina continue to generate electricity by burning coal? Is a "cleaner" solution to electricity generation doing enough? Can we really have a Al Gore hater running a power plant in Chapel Hill? (That last one was a joke folks. Ok I thought it was funny. Sheesh.)
Sadly global climate change is no joke.
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