elaine marshall
As the Technician recently
reported, Lt. Dan Choi will be hosted by the Union Activities Board
& GLBT Center for an on campus lecture and discussion of the Don't
Ask Don't Tell policy.
Who: Lt Dan Choi is a West Point graduate, decorated officer, Arabic Linguist, and was discharged under the DADT policy
When: Tuesday, October 12 · 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Where: Stewart Theater
- NCSU campus - Raleigh, NC
Admission: Free
"I speak about the consequences of telling the truth under Don't Ask
Don't Tell and of living a lie through my personal journey," Choi said.
"I let people know our belief system is against our integrity."
For more information, see the facebook event.
Family Friendly Fundraiser
to benefit
Elaine Marshall
for U.S. Senate
Please join us to meet Elaine Marshall and find out why she will make such an excellent Senator representing the state of North Carolina. Elaine has a long history of supporting North Carolina's families through her dedicated public service. If you still believe in HOPE and CHANGE, then Elaine needs your support. Join us for a fun afternoon and the chance to talk with Elaine about what she will do to make sure America remains a great place for our children.
Sunday, September 26
4:00-7:00 PM
At the home of Graig and Jennifer Meyer
People of all ages and family configurations are welcome to attend.
Plenty of Entertainment for All Ages:
Live music
Get a cheap, delicious dinner from Captain Poncho's Taco Truck!
Enjoy a local microbrew on tap.
Play Areas for the Kids
Donations at any level are welcome.
Special Family Friendly Suggested Donation:
$50 for any family with kids.
Those Superstars who donate at the levels below will be recognized at the event.
$2400 MAXOUT!!! This is the most you can donate under Federal campaign rules.
Sponsored By:
Jeff and Laurie Abbey
Henry and Euba McKoy
Esteban and Dana McMahan
Graig and Jennifer Meyer
Rodney and Kenya Trice
Sunday, September 26, 2010 - 12:00pm to 3:00pm
9603 Leslie Drive, Chapel Hill NC 27516
So there's an election again on Tuesday, in which Democrats get to select whether Elaine Marshall or Cal Cunnigham will run against US Senator Richard Burr in the fall. (I'm partial to Elaine, but I really don't care which one wins as long as he or she beats Burr.) Voters in the northern and western* part of Orange County will also be settling a near-tie for fourth place in the nonpartisan Orange County Board of Education race. By all accounts (http://www.orangepolitics.org/2010/05/whats-at-issue-in-the-school-board-runoff), your choices seem to be dumb and dumber, so good luck with that!
I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't realize there would be one-stop early voting for this run off until it started a couple of weeks ago. You can only do it at the Board of Elections office in Hillsborough and it ends Saturday afternoon. Get the info at http://www.co.orange.nc.us/elect/onestop.asp or just vote on Tuesday at your own poll site like you would on any other election day.
With so little to draw people out, I wonder if this will be one of the state's lowest turnout elections ever?
* Corrected 6/21/10.
Since this area plays such a strong role in the democratic politics/ideals in this state, & since one of our own might join the race, I think this will be an interesting topic for discussion.
Secretary of State Elaine Marshall vs Durham Lawyer Kenneth Lewis vs Captain in the United States Army Reserve & former State Senator Cal Cunningham vs Mayor Kevin Foy
Here is some more background on the candidates:
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