OCDP breakfast

I went to the Orange County Democratic Party legislative breakfast this morning. I did a play-by-play with Twitter and recorded a fair amount of audio with my phone.

Annual Democratic Precint Meetings

Up to date times and locations can be found at: http://orangedems.com/precinctmeetings.shtml
Annual Precinct Meetings

Annual precinct meetings will be held on March 11 this year, typically but not always at the precinct polling place. At this year’s meetings, precincts will fill any missing positions in the precinct leadership, elect delegates to the County Convention, and get organized for the upcoming elections.

Precincts are the foundation of the Democratic Party in Orange County, the grassroots party organizations. Precincts register voters, make the person-to-person contacts that are most effective in getting voters to the polls, and man the polling places on Election Day.

We have exciting and important races at all levels – local, state, and national. In addition to full support for our local candidates, Orange County Democrats must provide a big turnout for the state and national elections, where the Democratic plurality in Orange County can make the difference in the statewide races. A victory in November starts with strong precinct organizations now. So attend your precinct meeting!


Tuesday, March 11, 2008 - 3:00pm

Orange County Democratic Breakfast

The breakfast provides a regular, informal, and congenial setting where we discuss issues with fellow Democrats and have occasional speakers or programs. Mr. Moses Carey, currently a County Commissioner and a candidate for the NC Senate seat representing Orange and Person Counties, with be a guest.


Saturday, February 9, 2008 - 4:00am to 5:15am


Occoneechee Steak House, 378 S. Churton St., Hillsborough

owasa precinct

The Democratic Party in the Owasa precinct is getting a new leadership team. More members are needed. Please see our new blog at

Local Dems support Rogers Road neighbors

Jack Sanders, Chairman of the OCDP gave the following speech to the Chapel Hill Town Council on Monday 9/24: Please note that I have permission from Jack to post the full text.

Thank you, Mr. Mayor and Council members.

I am Jack Sanders, Chair of the Orange County Democratic Party, and I rise to speak for the Democratic Party in support of the Rogers Road Community. We have asked the Board of County Commissioners to reconsider its decision to site the Waste Transfer Station in the vicinity of the Rogers Road Community and to conduct a thorough public search for an alternative site. I am here before you because Chapel Hill too has a role to play.

Chapel Hill is a progressive community, one that takes its principles seriously, chief among them the principle of social justice. Equally important is the notion of the integrity of government, the notion that our governments will treat all communities fairly, and that promises made will be kept.



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