Town of Carrboro
The Carrboro Police Department will be running our next Citizen's Police Academy on September 10th, 2016 at the Carrboro Police Department. I'll be the lead instructor during the academy and numerous other officers will be on hand to assist with different blocks of instruction. The basic format for the Citizen's Police Academy is listed below:
- Classroom lecture on the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, law enforcement operations & procedures and vital department statistics.
- Hands-on activities including fingerprint lifting, K-9 demonstrations, vehicle demonstrations, etc.
- Scenarios involving roleplayers where participants will get to act as police officers and respond to calls for services based on real calls we've responded to.
Lunch will be provided as part of the Academy.
The Town of Chapel Hill and the Town of Carrboro should not authorize their managers to continue with the Gig.U (aka North Carolina Next Generation Network [NCNGN]) initiative at this time. Both elected bodies should direct staff to send the request for proposals (RFP) back to the drawing board for repairs.
The primary reason to reject the current RFP is that local governments could not enforce important parts of agreements that could come from a resulting contract. Municipalities all over North Carolina have been stripped of any legal authority to franchise or regulate either cable or broadband systems. This is important because, as the current RFP is structured, this is how the towns would make sure we all have access to a new fast network.
Chapel Hill and Carrboro are related but they have significant differences. I love them both like family. I feel like their little brother constantly annoyed with one or the other but will remain steadfastly in love with them both 'til the day I die. Many of my fellow Chapel Hillians do not understand these differences. They see Franklin Street and Main Street in Carrboro as one long business thoroughfare. It's not. I don't mean to pick on Chapel Hill residents, both students and townies, but if you don't spend a lot of time in Carrboro you wouldn't know. The Towns have very unique histories that contain deep seated differences forged in race, class, and ideology. All fueled by the money and intellectual power of the University of North Carolina. Yesterday I had a great conversation with several Chapel Hillians. They were a retired Town of Chapel Hill employee, a downtown business leader, a few University employees, and others who I do not know well.
Welcome to Carrboro Ms. Stone! The following is a press release from the Town of Carrboro about the hiring.
Carrboro Names New Economic and Community Development Director
Annette Stone, a native of New Bern, North Carolina, has been appointed by Town Manager Steve Stewart to the position of Economic and Community Development Director for the Town of Carrboro.
A bigger-than-usual celebration will be held in honor of the Town's 100th birthday.
Sunday, May 1, 2011 - 12:00pm
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