September 2009
Via e-mail:
Neighbors for Responsible Growth (NRG) will hold a "Conversation with the
Mayoral Candidates" on Sunday, October 18, 3 - 5 pm at the Chapel Hill
Public Library. All are invited.
Sunday, October 18, 2009 - 11:00am
Chapel Hill Public Library
Orange County Democratic Women
Meeting – Thursday September 24th
7:30 – 9:00 PM
OWASA Community Room
lower floor of the Administration Building
400 Jones Ferry Road in Carrboro
This meeting includes a forum, open to the public, featuring Chapel Hill - Carrboro Board of Education Candidates. Each candidate will answer specific questions from our moderator, after which there will be a time for responses to questions from those attending. Candidates for the three seats are Michelle (Shell) Brownstein, Mary Anne Gucciardi, J.M. (Joe) Green, Gregory McElveen, Christine Lee, and Susana L. Dancy.
Thursday, September 24, 2009 - 3:30pm to 5:00pm
The most recent posts on OrangePolitics are about HOV lanes, Joe Herzenberg, and the Herald-Sun redesign. What's missing is the lawsuit Carrboro won against Marilyn Kille, reports on recent voter forums, discussion of Monday night's Chapel Hill Town Council meeting and the unresolved issue of appointing Bill Strom's replacement. There's not even any mention of the highly contentious chicken slaughter. Ruby's pre-occupied with a new baby and a career. There was a recent post asking if OP is a public resource or Ruby's private playground. The answer may be in how people use the site rather than Ruby's intention.
This is my first post to OrangePolitics, and I just wanted to say thanks for the invitation to blog. I'm looking forward to getting to know as many of you as I can.
I believe we need to develop creative solutions to ensure a high-quality education for all, especially in this time of budget restraints. I look forward to discussing how parents, teachers, administrators, and the community can work together to improve education. Please let me know your thoughts and concerns, and ask me questions - I look forward to hearing from you!
In the meantime, you can find out more about my platform at
MaryAnne Gucciardi
Received via OP contact form:
On Sept 20 4-6 pm at the Franklin Hotel Roberts Bar,
Citizens For Responsible Government is hosting a CH candidate Meet and
Greet. Guests will have the opportunity to talk informally with
Sunday, September 20, 2009 - 12:00pm
Got this from a candidate's calendar, not sure whose debate it is. Maybe DTH?
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 - 3:00pm
Please join me this coming Monday, September 21st at St. Paul AME Church on Merritt Mill Road to find out more about the candidates for Chapel Hill-Carrboro school board. The Chapel Hill-Carrboro NAACP will be asking us our opinions on the achievement gap, budgets, retention rates and accountability. Audience questions will also be taken.
I look forward to the opportunity to address these issues, and I’d like to talk about creative ways to raise the quality of education during a time of budget cuts. I hope to see you there!
Thanks to MaryAnne for the tip.
Monday, September 21, 2009 - 3:00pm
St. Paul AME Church, Merritt Mill Road, Chapel Hill
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