September 2009

PTA Council / League of Women Voters forum for CHCCS School Board

The format will likely be the traditional format with a short open and close by each candidate with questions in a round robin format in the middle. We will take questions from the audience and from


Tuesday, October 13, 2009 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm


Chapel Hill Town Hall

13th Annual Walk for Education hosted by Public School Foundation

Walk and Race for Education set for October 17, 2009. 
  • Both the Race and Walk begin at McCorkle Place on the UNC campus.
    • Download the brochures (see the folder below).
    • The Race begins at 9 a.m.
    • The Walk begins at 3 p.m. and concludes with a carnival on the grounds of Lincoln Center.  Come out and support school clubs and organizations through activities, huge inflatable toys and food options.
  • To register for the 5k USATF-certified race, click here.
  • To pledge support for the walk for any student, click here.
To send a pledge to school, print the cover of the pledge envelope (download below), insert it into your own envelope and send with your check to your child's school or the foundation, PO Box 877, Carrboro, NC  27510.


Saturday, October 17, 2009 - 11:00am to 1:00pm


McCorkle Place to Lincoln Center

OC J.U.I.C.E. Community Walk

The Orange County Justice United In Community Effort organization of 25 churches and civic organizations will be walking in Northside and a hispanic community TBA to learn about issues facing our community, share what OC J.U.I.C.E. is all about, and promote our founding ceremony on October 26th.  We will be joined by UNC students who are also conducting an assessment of opportunities for building repair.


Saturday, October 17, 2009 - 6:00am to 9:00am

Strom Article on WCHL

Sluggish Carrboro campaigns

Low voter turnout is always discouraging. It speaks of disengagement and disenchantment. It is a demoralizing commentary on democracy. But what do you do when even the candidates don’t come out?

Kudos to local literacy activists

At the Democratic party meeting last week, Susan Romaine and Gloria Romerez talked about their book collecting/distributing project in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Orange County Literacy Council. Susan and Gloria have done such an amazing job that I want to let you know of their work.

They have collected over 7,000 books for needy local children, with more donations coming in. Most of the books have already been distributed to places that will impact low-income children and adults.

Susan and Gloria are adding books to Table These children will now receive their own new book in addition to food donations!

Thanks are due to Borders Books for their generous participation. It is my strong belief that partnership between business and community can strengthen literacy, and this program is the proof. They still have books - reply to me for Susan's contact email if you know of a place they would be useful.

Finding the Pulse of Franklin Street

Hey there.  My name is Andrew Neal, and I'm the owner of Chapel Hill Comics on West Franklin Street.  I've had in my RSS reader for a long time, but can't remember if I've ever posted anything here despite the fact that I have an account.

As a downtown business owner, I'm primarily interested in orangepolitics for the discussions in the Economy & Downtown category.  With recent posts about the lack of recent posts here, I thought I'd throw something into the mix and see if you're interested in discussing it.

Last week, the Independent ran the following article by Joe Schwartz

The overlooked pulse on franklin street

My name is William Travis Kukovich and I am the owner of William Travis Jewelry. The recent Independent article on the pulse of Franklin St. was very disapointing. They overlooked so many of the positive things going on downtown. I will only speak for myself. I sent the independent a small press release before the story was written having heard it was in the works. In the last 5 years my business has grown leaps and bounds on Franklin St.,tripling in size. We are listed in the top 50 custom design stores in the country and the only one in North Carolina. We opened a 2nd location in Costa Rica due to our success on Franklin St. and recently have been creating celebrity jewelry. We use all recycled metals and conflict-free stones. Why the independent would choose to write the story the way they did knowing my own success and the other success stories on Franklin St. is a mystery to me. Our community can only succeed if we are willing to support one another in our successes and even more importantly our failures. I will end by saying I am deeply troubled by the lack of positve media attention given to our downtown community. 

Sustain:Sakina Interest Meeting

Sustain: Sakina Task Force

Interested in Public Health?  International Development?  GlobalEducation? 

Get involved with Sustain Foundation's programs in Sakina,Tanzania.  The programs are currently working to raise awareness in thelocal community and plan the implementation of community-based healthand education programs in Sakina. This volunteer position caninclude hands-on work with community partners, event planning, publicrelations, multimedia work, research, and interaction withcoordinators in Sakina. 

Come to the kick-off meeting Tuesday, October 29 at 5 in Alumni Hall.  Email for more information. 


Alumi Hall, on UNC campus

NC Pride Weekend

I'm sure everyone has seen the rainbow flags downtown, and in case you were wondering, it is pride weekend here in NC.  The biggest events were the speeches, festival, and parade over in Durham today, but it is something the whole triangle & to some degree the state gets into.  If you check out this site, you'll see events all over, including several in Chapel Hill.  It marks the 25th anniversary of this celebration.  There were speeches, festival grounds, food, vendors, booths, and lots of fun to be had.  I believe it is important to see this as not only a good time, but also as a large political rally with a positive message since this was the first NC Pride since prop 8 & the protests



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