October 2009
WCHL is hosting a forum for the Chapel HiIl mayoral and town council
candidates, Thursday October 15th, from 7-9 pm, at Town Hall.
The first hour will focus on mayoral candidates, the second will feature the council candidates.
The forum will also air live on WCHL 1360 AM and cable channel 18.
Are there hot issues you want debated? Submit your questions to info@1360wchl.com.
Thursday, October 15, 2009 - 3:00pm
Chapel Hill Town Hall Council Chambers
I remember the disappointing results in key elections in 1993, when Democrats, fresh off a tremendous Presidential victory in 1992 became complacent and Republican activists got upset and activated. New Jersey’s incumbent Democratic Governor, Jim Florio was knocked out of office. That same year, Republicans seized control of the Virginia Governor’s Mansion, bringing us George “Macaca” Allen.
History. For some, the mere suggestion of the topic instantly glazes over the eyes and makes the lids heavy. It's a fact that most of us have been taught history the wrong way. But the past can be a very interesting tool if you know how to use it. Through peering backwards one can discover who we are and it can be an important tool measure the future.
My job is to try and save Chapel Hill's historic places, which is no easy task. There are special buildings, homes, fields, and rocks in this town that embody a past that makes this town unique and downright cool. They are the physical manifestations of our history. But trying to appeal to the "better angels of our nature" about the importance of preserving history often falls on deaf ears. Chapel Hill is certainly progressive but it is not progressive about saving its past.
I submit for discussion an ordinance the Preservation Society is trying to persuade the Town of Chapel Hill to adopt.
My husband and I take turns running with our dogs in the woods on Seawell School Road, either on the Bolin Creek side or the Carolina North side. Yesterday we noticed that NO TRESPASSING signs have appeard on the Bolin Creek side. We requested more information via the contact information on the signs, and here is what we found out:
On Thursday October 15, the Town Hall and Hogan Farms precincts of the Orange County Democratic Party joins will host a Carrboro mayoral and alderman forum. The forum will be held at the Lake Hogan Farms Clubhouse, located at 101 Commons Way in Carrboro, and will begin at 7PM. The forum will begin with a brief meet-and-greet with the candidates (all eight of whom will be there!) and then at 730PM a Q&A session moderated by Orange County Democratic Party chair Jim White will begin.
Lake Hogan Farms Clubhouse: 101 Commons Way; Carrboro, NC
On Thursday October 15, the Town Hall and Hogan Farms precincts of the Orange County Democratic Party will host a Carrboro mayoral and alderman forum. The forum will be held at the Lake Hogan Farms Clubhouse, located at 101 Commons Way in Carrboro, and will begin at 7PM. The forum will begin with a brief meet-and-greet with the candidates (all eight of whom will be there!) and then at 730PM a Q&A session moderated by Orange County Democratic Party chair Jim White will begin.
We need a strong grass roots effort for planning, education, and to get out the vote. To get the ball rolling, we are holding an organizational meeting of the Durham Orange Friends of Transit on November 4, 2009 from 7:00 – 10:00 PM at the Fellowship Hall at the Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at 4907 Garrett Road in Durham. http://www.eruuf.org/contact-us/directions-and-parking
At this meeting we will get a briefing on all that has happened recently, appoint a steering committee, decide on our strategic approach, set up subcommittees and get ready for the campaign to bring transit to the Triangle.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009 - 1:45pm to 4:15pm
Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at 4907 Garrett Road in Durham. http://www.eruuf.org/contact-us/directions-and-parking
I saw at the Herald website that at last week’s forum at Town Hall Mayor
Chilton “…suggested telling developers what type of development the town wants
in its commercial districts to make it less risky for developers to spend
time and money on proposals to present to the town.” Hurray for that. The
Board has the ability to put in place street plans. The most recent I’m
aware of is the Roberson St. Plan. This plan addresses widths of sidewalks,
on-street parking, and street trees and landscaping. All of these
components of the plan are intended to improve the general streetscape, to
make our town better for all of us. The plan serves the town, meaning us,
by making pleasant sidewalks, more general parking, and by increasing the
width of the right of way. New buildings are pushed back, making sure that
we’re not too shadowed or leaned upon as pedestrians.
It's happening right now. Today is also national coming out day. And
President Obama gave a speech yesterday on the eve of this event. A
busy weekend for gay rights.
National coming out day "is an internationally-observed civil
awareness day for coming out and discussion about gay, lesbian,
bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) issues" (wikipedia). And today is also
the day of the National Equality March which comes just as the Hate
Crimes law (Matthew Sheppard Act) is about to be signed into law, and
just before Congressional hearings on repealing DADT are going to take
Last night President Obama gave a speech on the eve of the march at an
HRC event (the largest US lgbt rights org) and discussed many things.
The whole speech was about 25 minutes, but this 6 minute clip of the middle
section of the speech is where he mentions Hate Crimes, inclusive ENDA,
DADT, DOMA, & Immigration/Aids:
I went back to find the research that supported the video I posted and saw this version. This is the link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHhVWCXmuzE&NR=1. The supporting research is on http://shifthappens.wikispaces.com/. As you mention, not all may come true and it may be a scare tactic. But even if only 50% comes true, it is still important to think about the global economy and what the workplace will be like for our children. I feel strongly that we need to focus on creating life long learners and critical thinkers.
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