April 2014

Jackson Center's Annual MayDay Festival

Our theme this year is "Weaving Communities: histories, homes, lives." We'll be featuring oral history performances on Northside and Rogers Rd history, presenting community honors for all this year's successes,  and providing a preview of our new history exhibit. And of course, we will be enjoying kids' games and festivities, music, dancing, and of course, delicious food (support from Mama Dips, Vimala's, Bread and Butter, Open Eye, and our grillmaster Calvin).  

Come celebrate the end of the school year, the coming of spring, and the community we are ALL a part of Saturday, May 3rd!  

Whether you can come for the entire event or just 20 minutes. come join us. This is an incredible gathering of folks from all corners of Chapel Hill/Carrboro, from the university, and beyond. We have so much to be thankful for, and so much to celebrate.

Thanks to each and every one of you, for your contributions to the Center and the community overall. We hope to see you here!
Contact jacob@jacksoncenter.info for more information.


Saturday, May 3, 2014 - 11:00am


St. Joseph CME (510 W. Rosemary) and the Jackson Center (512 W. Rosemary)

Campus and Community Leaders to Vote Early at NC Hillel

Campus and community leaders will gather at North Carolina Hillel this Thursday, April 24th, at 3:30pm, to celebrate the first day of early voting in this year's May primary election. UNC Chancellor Carol Folt, NC Hillel Executive Director Ari Gauss, Chapel Hill Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt, and UNC Student Body President Andrew Powell will make brief remarks before casting their ballots.

A Progressive & Balanced Budget Plan

When the INDY asked me what were my thoughts on the budget of the Sheriff’s office, this is how I responded:

That the sheriff’s department is not as efficient and up-to-date technologically as it could be is one place where efficiency is compromised and money is wasted.  After the various reforms I intend to make within the administration and upgrades to the technology, we should see less money spent on various (often duplicated) administrative tasks. 

Glen Lennox Public Information Meeting


Public information meetings on the proposed Glen Lennox Development Agreement are scheduled for noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday, April 29, and 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 30, in Room A of the Chapel Hill Public Library, 100 Library Drive.

Participants will receive information about the Draft Glen Lennox Development Agreement and have an opportunity to ask questions and give input. The community comments that are gathered will be shared with the Town Council in advance of its work session on May 5.

The format of these two meetings will be identical; the purpose of holding two meetings is to provide multiple opportunities for participants to attend and provide their input.

If adopted by Council, the agreement will guide future development of the Glen Lennox apartment and commercial property, an area bound by NC 54 on the south, Brandon Road to the north, Hamilton Road to the east, and US 15-501 to the west.

The portion of the neighborhood that is addressed by the draft development agreement is referred to as the Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District-8C (CD-8C).

A development agreement is a unique planning tool useful for large projects that will be built over a period of up to 20 years. It provides the developer a level of certainty about what it can build and what mitigation measures will be required, if agreement is reached. It also provides the Town with the opportunity to look at the long-term horizon and make sure it fits with the Town's comprehensive planning efforts and local policies.

Questions? Send them to developmentagreement@townofchapelhill.org.


Tuesday, April 29, 2014 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm


Chapel Hill Public Library, 100 Library Drive, Chapel Hill (Meeting Room A)

Glen Lennox Public Information Meeting


Public information meetings on the proposed Glen Lennox Development Agreement are scheduled for noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday, April 29, and 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 30, in Room A of the Chapel Hill Public Library, 100 Library Drive.

Participants will receive information about the Draft Glen Lennox Development Agreement and have an opportunity to ask questions and give input. The community comments that are gathered will be shared with the Town Council in advance of its work session on May 5.

The format of these two meetings will be identical; the purpose of holding two meetings is to provide multiple opportunities for participants to attend and provide their input.

If adopted by Council, the agreement will guide future development of the Glen Lennox apartment and commercial property, an area bound by NC 54 on the south, Brandon Road to the north, Hamilton Road to the east, and US 15-501 to the west.

The portion of the neighborhood that is addressed by the draft development agreement is referred to as the Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District-8C (CD-8C).

A development agreement is a unique planning tool useful for large projects that will be built over a period of up to 20 years. It provides the developer a level of certainty about what it can build and what mitigation measures will be required, if agreement is reached. It also provides the Town with the opportunity to look at the long-term horizon and make sure it fits with the Town's comprehensive planning efforts and local policies.

Questions? Send them to developmentagreement@townofchapelhill.org.


Wednesday, April 30, 2014 - 5:30pm to 6:30pm


Chapel Hill Public Library, 100 Library Drive, Chapel Hill (Meeting Room A)

Supporting Teachers

Last evening my son and I attended a forum at Culbreth Middle School about teacher pay. There were a number of panels. First teachers spoke (including one of my son's teachers from Carrboro High School). They shared stories about how hard it was to make it on teacher pay especially since their salaries have been frozen at the same pay scale step since 2007. State statistics show that an unusually high number of teachers are leaving for other states or are quitting the profession. High school and middle school students talked about their teachers and how sad it was that many of their teachers have decided to leave.  Aaron Nelson spoke for the local business community. He mentioned the positive impact a good school system has on the economy and that they support paying more for education. Finally the local superintendent, 3 state reps and 1 state senator spoke about the budgets and politics. A pleasant surprise was that one rep was a Republican from Guilford/ Greensboro who supports increased pay for all teachers.

Technology and Training: High Priorities

I firmly believe that having a sheriff’s office that is up to speed with standard training and technology is a huge priority.  This is because an office that has an under-trained staff under performs.  It also puts the lives of the deputies and the public at risk.  As it presently stands, the deputies at the Orange County Sheriff’s Office do not have adequate training.   There may be individuals who are more trained than others, but as a group they must have more and better training all-around.  I worked for the Orange County Sheriff’s Office and I now work for Carrboro Police Department, and let me say that the difference is night and day. 

Forum Open Thread: Orange County Sheriff

Welcome to the open thread for the Orange County Sheriff candidate forum taking place on April 23, 2014. Comments on this post will open at that time.

There are six candidates for one seat: 

  • Charles Blackwood
  • Andy Cagle
  • David Caldwell
  • Larry Faucette
  • Buddy Parker
  • Keith Webster

You can observe the forum at http://orangepolitics.org/elections-2014/forums/ocsheriff.

We hope you'll use this open thread to post your thoughts and reactions. Also, if you want to propose additional discussion topics, you can reach the editors during the forum via Twitter, Facebook, or the contact page. The forum moderator will have final say in question selection.



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