ldhintz's blog

Solid Waste Tax District

Solid Waste Tax District Public Hearing tonight 4/1/14 in Hillsborough.

I attended the public hearing on 3/18. Here are my observations based upon what others have said.

1.       The main problem is that the county had a good funding system which has been called into question. Many speakers supported the fee system and feared that a tax district would cost them more.

2.       People with open land, forest or agricultural land should be using the Present Use Value Program ( and other conservation incentives) so their tax valuation should not be high. The majority of people should pay less in tax than in the old fee since only a relative few have higher assessed properties.

More Chapel Hill election turnout analysis

2013 Chapel Hill Election Turn Out

Sierra Club County Commissioner Forum

 The last day to register to vote for the primary in May is April 11th. (An official ID is not required until 2016).  Last week the Democratic Women had a forum for candidates who are registered Democrats. Tonight the Sierra Club will have a forum for all candidates for County Commissioner. Candidates for Orange County Commissioner will respond to questions posed by the Orange-Chatham Group. Members of the public are encouraged to attend and will be asked to submit questions for the moderator to choose from at the end.

Where: Board Chambers, Carrboro Town Hall (301 W Main St.; see http://www.ci.carrboro.nc.us/Townwide/Directions/directions.htm for directions)
When: Tomorrow (Wednesday), March 26, 7-9 p.m.

We hope to see you there!

Ephesus Fordham Work Session

There was another well attended meeting  at lunch about Ephesus Fordham today. I asked questions about the projected differences in available Affordable Housing from Form Based Code vs. current Special Use Permit system for the area (they will respond later). I also asked if the property owners would have to pay a new stormwater fee (yes) and if the project could be developed to reduce the amount of stormwater run off. Currently the stated goals are to improve the water quality (reduce nutrients and dissolved solids) and maintain OR reduce the current amount of runoff. A number of neighbors are concerned about the increase in flooding. The watershed map shows the the Ef area is a relatively small amout of the watershed and probably is not the cause of the recent increase in flooding. There is probably some potential for reducing runoff with redevelopment as opposed to status quo. It sounds like there will be a town wide effort to increase the number of raingardens and other features to reduce runoff. (Something I promoted while running for Council.) There were a number of questions about runoff, flooding, traffic, greenspace, protection of current businesses and financing.

AP courses and minority enrollment





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